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Full Version: UL pumphouse again
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Fished the pumphouse again this evening from about 2:30 to 6. Once more I managed to pull out three species, one perch, one gill, and a bunch of whities. The perch was easily the biggest I have pulled out of UL but that isn't saying much with my limited time on that lake.
I can't believe how thick the ice is out there. It has got to be a good 15-16 inches thick and with only a hand auger there wasn't much moving around. Still a good way to relax after work!
Good job. Any size to the whities? A friend of mine caught around 30 perch at an undisclosed UL location last week. Until this year I had only caught one and heard of a couple being caught. Looks like another species is taking hold. I guess it couldn't hurt getting some more feed in there for the eyes.

Sure is a fat little perchie! Nice work.
Not much size to the whities. Most were between 8-10 inches with a few of the 3-4 inchers thrown in.
way to go! my brother and I fished lbh and pumphouse on monday and barely escaped the skunk! we caught 3 dink white bass between us in about 4 hours of fishing.
we blamed the poor fishing on heavy angler pressure on sat. and sun., instead of blaming our highly refined ice technique. lol.[Wink]