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Full Version: Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks will participate in an exciting program to track migratory wate
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Once again, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks will participate in an exciting program to track migratory waterfowl. Ten female mallards will be trapped and outfitted with small backpack Global Positioning System transmitters late this winter.
The transmitters weigh 30 grams and allow birds to move freely with a minimal amount of stress. This year the transmitters are solar powered and will allow daily monitoring of the satellite-tracked mallards during their migration north to the nesting grounds and their return trip to the wintering grounds. Hopefully, the new solar powered transmitters will last for several years.
Mallards will be trapped on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service refuges and on several Wildlife Management Areas across Mississippi. Mature, female mallards will primarily be used in this study. These mallards will be monitored during their migratory experience as they complete their over-wintering activity in Mississippi and begin their migration back to the breeding grounds in the north.
Much can be learned during this study relative to migration chronology, nesting, and over-winter habitat selection. One of the most exciting segments will be the ability to log on to and actually see where individual ducks are, anywhere they fly.
From the 30 mallards outfitted with transmitters last year, seven are still transmitting as of January 2007. We should be able to monitor these for a couple more months before the battery life expires, a hunter takes the bird, or predation occurs.
Companies, conservation organizations, and even private individuals will have the opportunity to sponsor one or more of the satellite-tagged mallards. Numerous benefits will accompany the sponsorship, including the naming of the sponsored bird. Anyone interested in more information can contact Larry Castle at 601-432-2196 or by e-mail: or visit the [url ""]Mallard Tracking Program web site[/url]. [left] [/left][/url]