Can anyone tell me where I can get a Gorge reciprocal permit?...I tried to get one where I got my license....They looked at me like I was from outer space....I called Sportsmans, They don't have them... I called 877-592-5169, which is DWR toll free no. for questions and answers. It has been disconnected...I tried the email DWR site at This is no longer a valid email site and I got my email back...I am assuming that you cannot buy them in Wyoming on a Utah license...I got on the web site to buy online and all I get is another license application... I don't know whether I can get one in Manilla or not, but I don't want to drive through Manilla to get to Green River...Why don't they sell them where you buy licenses, or is this an oversimplification?
Any store that sells fishing licenses up by the Gorge will have them. I usually buy mine at one of the stores in Manila as I go through the first time of the year, though I imagine they have them at Green River, Mountain View and probably Vernal as well.
They will have them at the Chevron in Manila for sure. I bought my Wyoming stamp there last year, I'm sure.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Maverick in Mountain View. Great thing about them is they're open when no one else is. You can also pick up the Flaming Gorge pass there too.[/size][/black][/font]
Ace hardware in Green River will have them and you will need the Gorge pass too . THe Orvis Liquor Store next to Ace only sells licenses , but they have a fine bottle collection .The money goes to Wyoming F&G so you need to get it in Wyoming .
I know you can't get them in vernal or on the flaming gorge lodge/dutch john side of the lake. The chevron in Manila and the Maverick in MT View are the only places I've bought them.