Fishing Forum

Full Version: Berry Outlook?
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I am relatively new to ice fishing but was curious as to how the catch rates might change as we head later into the season. Do any of you notice a considerable decline? I have some friends that last year continued to do very well throughout the entire season, but on the board I thought someone posted that it slows down. Anyway, what are your thoughts?
I think the bite slows a bit, but mostly the bite get super light.
this late in the season I like to use just a single wax worm on a size 10 hook with a bb split shot 15in. up from the hook. later chuck
Yea! the fish late in the season get real finicky and very selective on what there going to bite on, they seen about everything now so their not just going to take anything!
Later in the ice season sizing down your lure seems to help keep the bites coming.
You never know, last year Tincanfsh and I had our best trip to Strawberry using the same 1 1/2 inch tube jigs and similar, and it was near the end of ice fishing.
I've only been ice fishing for about 2 years now, but it seems we always have more success towards the end of the ice season. Last year we went up the first week in April and pounded the cuts. I think we were the only ones on the lake. I've always had success with a ratfinkee with a waxie. Good times!