Hello everyone. I wanted to start posting some amazing reports of the GT fishing, and other coastal fishing out of Bali, Java, and other south eastern islands of Indonesia. This year has been amazing so far! Enjoy my most recent trip pics...
Those are some killer photo's bro. We'll be looking foward to seeing more of your pictures and reading more of your reports!
Don't be affraid of sharing some of your tips and suggestions with our other anglers!
Welcome to BFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [cool]
Thanks for the welcome. Yes I will throw in a few tips now and then.... Keep you rod tip way up when fighting GT from the shore! That is the first one. If they turn there head on you, especially in shallow water, it is game over.
I will check out the Carolina page.....
Welcome aboard cyboyum. Thanks for sharing those awesome pics with us here. Feel free to share some more when you have them. We also look forward to your reports.
I don't think we have a dedicated board for your neck of the woods so feel free to post your reports here.[cool]
[black][size 3]Hey cboyum,[/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Welcome aboard ! Those are some great photos ! I visited your neighborhood some 25 years ago and your photos gave me a great moment of nostalgia. [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]In my mind I could hear the surf, smell the ocean and feel the beach under my feet. [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Ahhhh - what a beautiful area. I'm looking forward to more photos and tales of your fishing adventures. [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Thanx for sharing those ! [/size][/black]
Hello Cyboyum,
I had no idea such great fishing existed in Indonesia, thanks for the great heads up and welcome to bft!!
I just realized, after going back through the pics that you guys are using Coffee Grinders to catch them with. That is totally aswesome bro. Way to go.[cool]
I feel your pain. I've been looking for a Penn Mag 990 for the last three years. They discontinued them in 1994. I can't believe they did, it was one hell of a reel. I have one now and i've yet to find a reel that matches it's smooth opperation and tough drag. It's ALL stainless, both gears, main drive, everything. That's very rare. It's also equally as rare to find a reel that does have all stainless parts and that is smooth at the same time. Usually reel manufacturers have to intergrate as brass pinion or main in order to get that "smooth" feel during opperation, not this one. [cool]
Hey Cyrus, I guess you figured it out. Coffee Grinder is a term that we use here for "Spinning Gear". I have lots of Coffee Grinders too. I never bought any of the Penns but I do have some of the older Mitchel 400 series for saltwater as well as Daiwa 750s and even some Abu Garcial Cardinals. Those are awesome reels.
A few years back I started adding some of the Okuma Coronados to my family of gear. Those are strong and have the "Bait Runner" feature on them. It's like having a "Clicker" from the conventional reel and then be able to go right into the cranking in without having to push other buttons.
I will keep an eye out on Reels or even spare parts for you. Do you mostly go through Drag Washers and bearings?? I'm sure I can muster up a supply from a few of my local tackle shops. What are you using for lube?? Are you using the Penn Lube?? I use that in my Coffee Grinders and it keeps them smooth.
Thanks for the tips Tube.
We use Blue Top One Grease, or Super Lube. Pack all our reels full of it. Better that in the inside than saltwater! Our gear takes a pounding so we are always cleaning and re-greasing the reels. The things that go out on us are the silent dogs, and bale arm springs.
I like the Penn grease but it is expensive and hard to find here.
Take care all.
I'll be glad to send you some as soon as I can find some of the other parts for you.
Just keep the cool pics and reports coming while you can.[cool]
Nice report, I'd enjoy hearing what tackle you use as well as bait tips. I fish a lot of Amberjack, and big Jack Crevalle so I'm always looking for a new way to target them.
Also about Penn, I used to run only Penn on my charter boat but in the last two years the equipment has gone to hell. I have had reels shipped direct from the Penn warehouse that were defective in the box "NEW". After a long history with Penn one of the service reps told me it was due to my poor maintenance. I tried to explain the reels were brand new, never used, and he said they had no way of knowing that. After such a poor experience I, for the first time in my life, dropped the sponsorship. I also heard the company was just bought by Shakespear. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not.
Sadly as you stated the older Penn stuff is still great but people are less likely to let go of it now.
I've heard of Penn's new stuff not being up to par. Does that go for the international series products as well? Man, I hope not.
I might have to purchase Avet or stick with Okuma from now on. I dunno, it's hard to find anything that's worth a crap anymore. I can't believe Penn has turned to crap, that use to be the one company that had a product you could rely on. [unsure]
Not sure about international
My experience:
8 new 550 ssg Spinners 6 froze up in less than a month with salt inside the drag system.
Penn gets the return with a letter describing how the rubber gasket under the drag knob is keeping water in the drag, I rinse and use super slick everyday on all my reels.
Next set of reels to test is the 560 slammer 8 reels all fill with water inside the crank case. Seems the cap on the bottom of the case allows water to weep up into the reel. Penn gets the return with a letter describing my findings.
Numerous 113H and 114H conventional reels free-spool lever stops working, or screw falls out and lever falls off. I had one drop it's lever brand new out of box, while on the boat in a rocket launcher never even used other than to spool the reel at the tackle shop.
I sent Penn a letter suggesting maybe some lock tite since this problem has happened on at least a dozen reels. Two were broken in the box and would not engage the free spool, there was no pressure on the lever at all it just swung like a pendulum. Thats when the tech told me it was due to my poor maintenance.
As stated before I dropped the sponsorship deal. I also sent back all the stuff I was given and I'm giving away the stuff I have purchased in the past. I couldn't sell the stuff knowing it will undoubtedly break. I will be keeping only a few reels that are older than I am and have served my family well.
Most of my Penn equipment is older. When I say older, I mean 15 to 20 years old. two of my prized posestions is my old red faced penn squider and the old school Penn 309(red faced with a steel spool) The 309 still looks brand new, and it's smoother than any of my other reels. It litterly reels itself. I intend on passing that reel down to my oldest down when he gets a little more responsible. That reel means alot to me, it was my first reel. I used it to float fish off of piers when I was little. I took it appart every week and cleaned and lubed it, as well as shine the face and polish the chrome with mothers. I bet i've caught a thousand Spanish mackerel with that reel, on top of kings, cobia, and anything else you can think of that can be hung off a pier on the carolina coast. It's never been in a boat, but i'm thinking about bringing it back out.
I bought a Penn 114HLW in 2004, and it's worked flawless so far, battling large wahoo, sharks, and things of that nature. But that doesn't mean it won't fall appart sooner or later. You can see that reel in a couple of my pictures. I'd love to try an Avet reel, but I can't afford to blow a few hundred bucks at will. LOL, the wife would cut my "you know what." It's a shame Avet won't send me one to try out, hell, i'd advertise for them for free if I found the product to be as good as all the hub bub that goes around.
I'm also leary about the Penn takeover. Things do happen in life and sometimes for the better and othertimes for the worse.
I just hope that the Newell line stays where it is at. I have had enough trouble with the newer Newell handles being made out of plastic. I had to purchase separate metal handles now.
As far as my other Penn reels go, I have long since changed out the Cradle or friction bearings in them and put in some quality NMB bearings. Total wholesale cost: @$10 per reel depending on the amount of bearings. They are running @ 5bucks per bearing.
It has helped solve the problem of rusted bearings freezing up in the middle of a big fish and having it turn into a tug-o-war contest just to test out the strength of my new rope(braid).[cool]