Me and my buddy went up to pineview we caught about 14 perch. I was north of Cememtary point. In about 30 ft of water it was a good day. Nice and warm
Thanks for the report. What were the ice conditions, especially getting on and off of the ice? Also, I believe that I read somewhere that this time of year the parking is free at Cemetary Point, is that correct?
[cool]Hey Kent, I'll be there tomorrow with my radio on ch. 7-0. I'll be deeper than this guy was, and more West looking for the bigger perch. Should be fun. Maybe I'll see you there...So far it's just me, myself and I going...I'll be there at about 6:45...
If Billy doesn't talk me into trying Jordanelle I will try to contact you by radio when we get there. Should be early PM when we arrive. Just read your other reply and it appears that you will be leaving as we are arriving.
Yes parking is free there. the ice was still 14 inches thick it is starting to melt around the edges but still safe
Geoffrey, I bet you'll catch more fish if you change that avatar of yours! heheh
[cool]Well, Derek, Football season IS over now, so I'm thinking changing it soon perhaps to a CUBS hat?? That's my baseball team...