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Full Version: Photo of Temple Bar Marina
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The boat launches don't get any bigger than this on Mead. I heard they had some issues with mud on the launch when the water level was getting pretty low. But since the water level has gradually rised during the winter months, all boaters should be good to go.

Best regards,

How do yo get to Temple from Boulder City? How far? Time? Directions?
From Boulder City, it takes me 45 minutes to get to Temple Bar Marina. But you have to go over the Hoover Dam so you want to make sure to cross late at night or early morning...that is if you're going fishing on the weekend. Weekdays are slightly better because there are less tourists then.

I recommend the AZ side of Mead because it's cleaner, less boats, and great fishing. But remember, night fishing is key. I can't guarantee excellent results from day fishing. I think I've tried early dawn fishing and it was okay. Just start chumming and casting right at sunset...and make sure you have a big bucket. I've got a number of good fishing locations so let me know if you'll be doing some shore fishing or boat fishing.

Here are the directions:

From Boulder City, go towards Vons. When you see the Vons, turn left to continue on Highway 93 toward the Hoover Dam. Go past Hoover Dam. I believe between Milemarkers 19 and 20, you will see a sign saying "Temple Bar Resort." Turn left. Watch out....there are no obvious "large" signs. The sign is pretty small but look for the turnoff in the middle divider. Temple Bar is located approximately 28 miles from the turnoff.

Best regards,

Thanks Paul.

I will fish from shore. Any good spots?
Hi Okole,

Please see my long narrative on the thread titled "Fishing Spots" that was created by Striperhunter. I include in my narrative, the actual fishing spot, how to get there, a satellite image of the trail and fishing spot, and more importantly, the kind of rig you'll need for fishing that point.

Make sure you bring a propane lantern (w/ extra propane). I believe the light attracts the stripers. You know you're in the right spot when you see our man made pier. We actually have made 3 different piers. 2 are somewhat close to each other, and the other one is far from the other 2. I attached a better image from google You should take a look at that site. It gives you great images. Print out my attachment because it gives you the exact path to take. Mind you, there is no actual trail per se but you'll see where we kind of cleared rocks and took out bushes so you could get to the fishing spot easier. There are a couple small hills you'll have to go over but they're totally manageable. I just wanted to bring your attention to the hills as a point of reference. Follow my trail and you shouldn't have any problems. This trail is longer but it's a lot easier. The terrain along the shore up to my fishing spot is pretty rough, hence the reason why you have to hike inland for a bit. I highly recommend that you start your hike about 10 minutes before sunset. That'll give you enough time to get to the fishing spot, set up, and start fishing. Make sure you have a frozen bag of anchovies. If you're fishing with another person, you will likely need 2. As soon as you get to the fishing spot, you should chum the water with about 3-4 anchovies. Cut them into small pieces...I'm talking the width of half a centimeter. You don't want to chum with large chunks. Chum from the pier. It'll give you extra range and give you an idea of where to cast. The pier faces Southwest towards the marina. Using the pier as a watchdial, you want to chum and cast at 11:00 to 3:00. Most of the area left of 11:00 is shallow and no good. The area right of 3:00 will get you weeds and catfish.

Now I'm hoping that the pier is not submerged but I guess when you get there you should be able to see it in the water. That area is ideal for striper fishing because there is a significant drop about 10-15 feet away from the pier. Remember, don't give up. Some nights, it takes an hour for them to find you. But with your light and your chum, they WILL find you. Don't chum too much though.

I know this is a lot of info. And please make sure to look at my other posts on the Fishing Spot thread. Please let me know if you have any other questions, and please let me know how you do. Oh and dress warmly. If there's a slight breeze, you will be cold. I always wear thermals under my clothes. A heavy jacket with a hood is good, too. Something to keep your head warm. Good luck!

Best regards,
