I have'nt been up for a couple of weeks and the edges near taylor hollow were getting a little dicey, has any body been up in the last few days and do I need a latter or blank ? I'm taking a couple of newbies tomorrow and don't want to get them started with a early mounring water wake up, I know i could find a way but some of my yuppy business partners are the country club type ,can only navigate the groomed safty of the golf course , and I would'nt want them to get there polo pants wet. any info would be great, i need to focus on how entertaining it's going to be to watch these boys deal with the "slimmers" flopping on the hard deck, these boys sleldom get anything under ther manicured nails, so a little bow slim will maybe help them get grounded,i can only hope they don't get any on there designer winter wear, PS this is going to be great.
First of all, welcome to the site Horsefish, I wish I could give you some first hand info but it is safe to say that you should bring a plank or ladder to get on the ice. Hopefully someone that has been out there this week will chime in but if I was you, I'd bring the plank just in case. Good luck and post a report when you get back, thanks WH2
I just got off the phone with one of the guys at the ranger station and he said that you can stiil access the lake. There is about a foot to a foot and a half of open water around the edges. He also said the boat ramp area is the worst. Alot of ATV's and sleds have been getting on the ice there and they are breaking up the edges. Some guys have even gone as far as backing their trailers into the water to launch their machines right on the ice which keeps pushing the edge further and further out. It rained up there today so there is about 1" of standing water on the ice. He did'nt know about slush, but if it has been warm enough to rain, I would guess most of the snow would have already been gone. I might be going up tomorrow as well so maybe I'll see you there.
I fished it yesterday afternoon and the edges were a little hairy for about 2 1/2' by the boat dock. It was pretty cool today so it may have gotten a little better.
BTW: I caught 2 and missed 7 in 3 hours.
thanks for the info, if your up tomorrow i'll be in the narrow part of taylor hollow, i'm wearing black carhart bibs and and my new charges will be easy to spot, they will undoubtly look like a couple of boys on the front row of the jazz game also ther ego's make them look twice there normal size.This is going to be incredibly funny, cause these boys are pretty boy wusses and are up because they lost a golf match to my blue collar comedy team and they will be spending a fun filled day doing the last thing they would want to do on a saturday " ice fishin" they have ginen me crap for years and now they are in my world. Give a halower if your close, would love to meet you
First of all thanks for your wealth of advice this year, your experiances have pointed me in the right direction many times this year and the moderaters and other regulars help tons, thanks for the Ec info, it will make guiding the pretty boys tomorrow more effective, a early water entry would give them a reason to summon the range rover to come pick them up, and rob me of the pleasure of getting the yups soiled a tad with a little bow slime, don't get me wrong we've been great friends and sussessful business partners for thenty nine years but I'm the red neck in camo at the summer party and beat them at ther beloved golf at the country club and now ther paying up and it's going to be a show.thanks
I took to wife and kids up there this morning it was fine first thing this morning it was a cool 20 degrees. Coming off another story the ice was giving away all over approx. the first 6 ft of ice was breaking through. There was still a solid 12in. of ice up there though