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I recently purchased a minnow trap, i have put it out several times on the Weber(near the mouth of the canyon) with no luck!

Any location or bait suggestions?
What kind of minnows are you trying to catch? You could try using some powerbait, wrapped in cheesecloth, tied in the middle. That might attract some smaller fish. Good luck.
the only minnow trap i need is a cast net, something that in a way kent got me stuck on. catch a lot in short amount of times
About all I have been able to consistantly catch with mine is small crayfish. I think the minnows or other small fish may simply not enter or are finding ways to escape
What's the legality of having minnows with you while fishing? Can you have live minnows in posession if you are killing them before you fish them?
To leagaly fish with minnows in Utah they need to fit 2 criteria. 1) be a non-endangered, non-game fish (like chubs and suckers) and 2) be deceased. Whatever you do, don't use live minnows; especially where they weren't caught. This has become a huge problem in the southern part of the state where our "friends" from Nevada think nothing of disobeying state fishing laws, not to mention the health of the lake.
Hey Chef, you picked a bad time of year to start a new hobby. Most of the fishies in big rivers have grown too big to go into a trap. Try setting it in smaller, slower moving waters. You can catch fathead minnows, chubs, and mesquito fish in the low elevations and redside shiners in some of the higher creeks. Wait till after a few fish have spawned to try the bigger rivers and lakes. I know a few places in Utah county, but have no idea up north.
good luck


Where are good places in Utah Cty?
