[#ff0000]I was just looking over the walleye info and Tom P. said to keep the March males and send the females back to hatch more for the next time. I agree with this but need a little more help figuring out who is who![/#ff0000]
Very good question NOS. Anyone have some pointers? (No pun intended [

the ones wearing makeup are the females .
sorry, i couldnt help myself . .
Not much help I'm afraid. This is an exerpt from an In-Fisherman article. I'll keep looking.
With walleyes, it is even more difficult to distinguish between the sexes, other than during the immediate spawning period. In late postspawn and immediately prior to fish laying eggs, female walleyes appear to be much bigger, fatter, and fuller. Indeed, they often have huge distended bellies and look to be bloated. It is a sure sign the female is carrying hundreds of thousands of eggs.
After spawning, though, from late spring through early winter, it is difficult to tell a male walleye (or bass) from a female walleye (or bass). I know several anglers who think they can tell the difference, but even the best researchers say they can't do it with accuracy. So, other than during the spawning period, it's a guess. But you're still going to be right about 50 percent of the time.
From now until the first of May, you just need to give them a little squeeze. Not much, and no kissing. The females will be fat and the males will be spewing. Don't get that stuff all over the boat. Its sticky, and if it gets in your carpet, every time it gets wet it will get nasty.
Don't worry, you will be able to tell the difference for the next couple months.
[#ff0000]It's no wonder my mom doesn't like me hangin' around this crowd....[/#ff0000]
[blue][size 2]Generally speaking, in springtime the male walles are pretty small in comparison to the females, and they're fairly uniform in size. So size is a good indicator. Also, females that have spawned have a different shaped anus--it's shaped like a keyhole for skeleton key rather than oval like males. However, this isn't always obvious. If a fish caught in March is bigger than a couple pounds and is pretty fat, it's a female. If it's a slender cigar, it's a male.[/size][/blue]