man boiled burbot suck I didnt care for it at all it had no taste at all so I will try frying them I talked with a friend that has caught a lot of them and he said the only way to do them is fry them so I will give that a try man hope thay are better fryed or else I wont waest my time catching them. FISH. HOW ELSE CAN YOU COOK THESE NASTY LITTLE BUGGER'S ?
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]LOL! Boiled fish never really got me going either. If it was me, I'd bread'em, fry'em and stick'em in a taco with some Chipotle mayonnaise, finely chopped onion, cilantro and cabbage. Ain't seen many fish that didn't taste good that way![/size][/black][/font]
Hey Rich, when do we eat? LOL
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]When you catch a mess of fish that can feed us all. I'm cookin', that is, after you get all the fish cleaned![/size][/black][/font]
I fried mine in butter, seasoned with lemon pepper and garlic salt. It was pretty simple and I did about 12 fillets in 15 minutes. The wife and kids even liked it! I was worried what they would think after they got a look at them. We thought what they lacked in looks they made up for in taste. Enjoy.
Used to catch them in Alaska and the only way I had them was pickled. Great on a salad.
ok I tryed frying them I battered them with egg&milk then flour with season salt and garlic salt then diped them in egg again and breaded with saltin 's crushed then fryed them in butter just the same as I do my eye's and bass it was eatable but not that great I will have to try some other way's allso so eny other way's you guy's got I will try or I will cook them on a board and you know the rest eat the damn board lmfao.FISH
just use a beer batter and deep fry the dang things! i think a boot would taste good deep fried!