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My neighbor & I are planning on hitting the berry Monday if Mother Nature isn't having a hissy fit. Anything anyone can tell me about conditions - ice, slush,access etc. would be much appreciated. I've got a snomoclunk & trailer so can be pretty mobile. HELP OL' GEEZER OUT, PLEASE!! This is almost surely the last ice fishing I'm gonna get this year.
We were at Mud Creek from 8-12 and ice conditions are great. No slush to speak of, maybe 6" of snow on top of 15"+ of ice. Pretty slow for us, landed 14 for our group and lost as much at the hole. Several snowmobiles zoomed past us around 10 am.
I stopped and fished for about an hour and a half at the ladders this afternoon around 3:00. There was a couple inches of slush under about 3 inches of snow and probably a good 16" of ice which made for a great time with my hand auger! We fished in about 28 feet of water and it was pretty slow. I caught two fish in that time but one happened to be my first ever rainbow out of that pond which made up for the lack of action. It was only about 14" but I was still pleased.
Hey Tom,

I fished the Berry today. The slush wasn't bad at all. the snow was little heavy in places, but the four wheeler made it through just fine.
The fishing is slow. I did catch 5. All inthe slot. We were fishing at Haws Point.
The fish did come through in the morning, the bite turned off at about 11:30. Even when I did see them on the finder, they wouldn't bite. Most of them wanted meal worms, a few did bite on minnows. Good luck.
Was at the marina today(sat) Ice 18 in thick with 6" of snow on top. fishing was slow.3 of caught 5 fish in about 5 hrs. Hope it fares better for you if you