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Long-Range Fleet Drafts Self-Imposed Size Limits.
[Image: nl_news7_220x147.jpg] [size 1]LONG LIST: SoCal skippers agreed to new size limits.
Photo: Chuck Garrison[/size]The captains and owners of San Diego's long-range sportfishing fleet recently joined forces and agreed to a code of ethics that establishes self-imposed minimum-size limits for species their boats target. The crews will continue their no-take policies on sharks, black sea bass and billfish (except for swordfish) and will enforce the following:
· No yellowtail, grouper or dolphin smaller than 28 inches
· No tuna (including albacore) smaller than 24 inches
"We need to continue getting away from the mentality of killing everything we catch," says Frank LoPreste, captain of the Royal Polaris. "We need to get the point across to our anglers that they're going to catch more than they can eat anyway, so why not be selective in what they keep."
I hope they keep their word. Most of those Tuna boats are just slaughter houses.

They even have a trip that they call "The Freezer Special". Now what is that supposed to mean?? If I have a 30cubic foot freezer, I am going to fill it with Popcicles??? What a waste.[pirate]

Selective Harvest.....It's the only way to die.[cool]
TubeN2 I'm from Ca for 50 years and seen a decline in fish stocks for quite a long time. its about time we anglers and crews stepped up and had minimum size limits. Its Sad when people take midget yellowtail etc. Why deplete the stock, it takes so many years for fish to grow. Just like calico's it takes 20 years to reach 20''. Its about time this happened. How many tuna do ya need ? When my wife and I go on 16 to 20 day trips we only keep what we can eat. It would be nice for others to think this way. Thanks Mactuna. Need some warming in Utah, so we can fish soft water. Have been hitting the middle Provo, but its tough this time of year.
That is from the heart bro.

I really don't like popsicles. When I go fishing, I just go to fish.

If my family wants a meal, I bring fish home to eat. I will only harvest A. A legal limit. B. Only what we can consume within 1 or 2 days after the fishing trip.

I would rather fish tomorrow than deplete today.[cool]