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hey guys i dont know if anyone knows about motor repairs but the honda motor on the boat i have in my back yard wont kick out the water to keep the motor cool any idea on why?
sounds like the impeller.depending on how much you use your boat,it should be changed once a year.if the boat has been sitting for a long time make sure the openning is clear
Solo, we had a 9.9 honda that kept breaking a plastic fan that picks up the water for the pump. It seems weeds kept getting in there and snapping the blades off. We replaced it three time.
its a 4 stroke 25hp....... its been sitting there for a very very long time
Even though it's been out side and sitting for awhile, if it starts it should pick up water. My buddy replaced it himself after getting it from a honda dealer, so it can't be that hard of a job. If thats not the problem then your pump maybe shot.


Is it just the pee hole not shooting water? If so get a thin pipe cleaner and unclog. If it is the whole motor not getting water there are seceral things to check. Easiest is the intake holes, they could be clogged with just about anything from dirt to a bee hive. Next in line is the impeller they easily dryrot and fall apart. I doubt it is the pump if it worked last time out they usually dont just die from sitting. There is a chance the pump may have corroded due to electrolosys and is seized but it would be a long shot. You may also want to check the thermostat, if there is one, they are notorious for freezing up for no good reason.

I am not an engine tech at all but these are the common things I know of.
ok cool ill have to find out the EXACT model of the engine and look up the specs on it and what not and see if i wanna take a crack at tearing it apart..... the water isnt going through the enigine at all....