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Full Version: Early March Report - Pensacola
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As the weather warms up along the gulf coast, the fishing will only get better.
In the next few weeks, bait schools will start showing up off the beaches and in the bays. The magic water temperature I like for our spring fishing is 65 degrees; this is when the fish start moving in from southern waters. Speckled Trout season is open, and they will start to move out from the rivers within the next 6 weeks. Sheepshead are going to also start to make their move out to the gulf to spawn, and then they will stack up along the rock jetties and inlets and also around bridge pilings and old docks. I like to use live shrimp and fiddler crabs on small hooks and a ¼ - ½ oz egg weight just above the swivel.
Pompano will also make their run in early spring. They are hard fighting fish, and on light tackle they are great fun to catch. I like to use live sand flees on jigs, and free- line my bait drifting the current.
If you’re visiting the Panhandle of Florida and are looking for some great fishing, give me a shout, and we’ll get you hooked up on the Mega-Bite.
Here are a two pictures from some trips last spring.

[url ""][Image: PDRM0110.JPG][/url]">
[Image: PDRM02481.jpg]
See ya on the water!
Capt. John.


Capt Rivers,

Another nice report you are a great addition to the pro staff here and I look forward to many more of your reports.

Also I'm wondering what type of camera you are using the clarity and crisp images almost make it look like you are there.
Thanks for the kind words.

I use a Toshiba 3.1 meg pix camera that's 6 yrs old.. It still takes great pics.

I thinking about up grading, this camera is getting worn, the saltwater air and enviorment is taking it's toll on it.

Capt. John
Mmmmmm, seeing those big ol' Pompano is making me hungry. There aren't many fish that are better in the skillet than one of those guys. I wish we got a run of them up here like you guys do. We get them here, but not to any amount. [Sad]