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Full Version: Pineview 3/8
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Went up to Pineview on Thursday, when I got there at 10 it was raining pretty heavily and there was about 2-3 inches of standing water on the ice (looked really weird). Started fishing the north side of the narrows and didn't have a bite. Went back to my spot on the south side and immediately caught a nice 13 1/2 inch crappie and a 9 incher, also caught several perch but then it just died. Decided to head back around 2 but decided to try my spot again on the north side, good thing I did because it was non stop action on BIG perch until I left. Ended up catching nothing but 9+ inch perch until I ended up with a limit, three of them came in at 11 1/2 inches which absolutely blew me away considering I have never seen that big of perch at pineview. I was astonished to catch that many big perch, none of them came in under 9 inches outta that hole and alot averaged about 10 inches and were extremely fat. I was fishing in about 40-45 feet of water with a mini green and white glow jig. The ice was super soft on the edges when I got there and by the time I left there was about a foot of open water and it was a good thing I wore my waders, I don't think it will be long before open water.
Sounds like the trip paid off for ya! Nice work at nailing the perchies.