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Full Version: Blacksmith Fork & Hyrum report
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Took a couple buddies and my Uncle up to the Oneida Narrows (see Idaho board for report) Sunday and on our way back my two friends and I hit up the Blacksmith Fork river. We fished up in the first dam area. Between the two of us we caught 9 nice browns, biggest going 18". Not too bad for only an hour of fishing. There was a guy right next to us that was catching them every cast it seemed. We were just slow reeling a nightcrawler, so not too bad for the 'ol technique. I know I put Hyrum report on the title, but I just wanted to let people know that we drove by on the way home and noticed that the lake was still completely covered, BUT it looked VERY soft and unsafe from my point of view, so maybe a couple more days and some nice "stiff" wind will knock the ice off up there. Sorry no pics this time around the wife wouldnt let have the camera since I dropped the last one in the river, but I bought her the new one what the heck!!!!!!!!
Sounds like you did pretty good up there. Was there much runoff muddyin up the waters yet?
Yeah the water was pretty dirty, but not as dirty as I have seen it before that is for sure. The little dam was letting off a lot of water too, so hopefully Hyrum will receive a lot of it and keep it around the whole summer............yeah right!!!