Fishing Forum

Full Version: funny/sad/true tale
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me and my grandfather used to go out fishing in the everglades all the time it even got so frequent that it was every weelend for about a year, mabye a year and a half, anyways we took along a family friend this trip (it was never unusual for us to have a tag along) ANYWAYS me and my grand father would always trade walk time IE id walk a mile hed drive it and wait for me to get to the truck then hed walk a mile and i'd wait for him to get to the truck (i drive a mile up n wait for him) well when we have a tag along we usually do w-e... the one person thats tierd of walkin takes the truck.... i had already walked 2-3 miles and so i took the truck and drove up to the next area and waited for a good 30 to 45 mins and no one came then about an hr later the friend comes up and asks where my grandfather was...... about 15 mins after that my grand father walks up soaking wet and tired and outta breath..... it turned out that he was fishing and he is an old backwoods redneck and trops through chest high alligator infested waters.... anyways he had gotten a bite from a supposed bass and started reelin it in and it got caught up in the weeds and as he went to go unhook it from the weeds he got light headed and passed out and fell into the water.... turns out he had a heart attack and we went fishing once after that and we havent been able to go back out since..... sucks but funny
I'd say more Sad than anything. Thanks for sharing though. That just goes to show how important it is to spend quality time with our loved ones because you never know when they won't be able to anymore. Atleast you got to spend time with him before that happened, i'm sure that means alot to both of you. [Smile]
Doesn't matter if you can't wet a line with him at this point. Make sure you see him and talk about all the good times you had. It's all a grandpa wants to hear.
yea i just started callin him after about a month or so since he moved ima call him every saturday (my main fishin day) its free and know he'll be home ......... also to add to the story and why its funny is because he wasent hurting or anything but he was soaked head to toe and had the look of a wet dog/cat you know that yea i screwed up look lol and he was always the typa person to say i aint gonaa fall in dont worry bout it lol