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[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Click on the following link today to enter your opinion about the best fighting pound for pound fish & get a free decal.[/size][/green][/font]

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HUH? Something's missing cause I can't get to your link.
So, I'm going to give you my 2 cent's worth.
Pound for pound- best fresh water fighting fish is a bluegill. Then a carp.
[unimpressed] Ya hafta kinda wing it. Reading the link it says to go to Fresh Water forum and you'll see the thread.

Lot's of interesting opinions over there. Mine is the only one that counts though!

FlyGoddess said she thought the Tiger Trout was the baddest.
What's a Tiger Trout?
It's probably something like a War mouse Bass?
She fishes with a Buggy whip, so it cant be a big thing!
Some kind of a secret they keep up in Idaho?

The Signs along the river say:

"Beware, dont swim in the nude, Tiger trout present in these waters"
I still prefer the Short Fin Mako Shark.

Not on a Fly Swatter though.[shocked]
I'll say the wife #1 and the Koi in the back yard #2 and stealhead #3
[size 1]FlyGoddess said she thought the Tiger Trout was the baddest.
What's a Tiger Trout?
It's probably something like a War mouse Bass?
She fishes with a Buggy whip, so it cant be a big thing!
Some kind of a secret they keep up in Idaho? [/size]

[black][size 3]Tiger trout are here in Utah (check out the general discusion board for Utah), and they do fight! I will add that I agree with the Bluegill. They are like trying to pull a Frying Pan up.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Steelies I have had a chance at yet, but I do realize that I will be fighting the fish IN CURRENT which will make it seem tougher.[Wink][/size][/black]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Hi there mojorizing welcome to the BFT and sorry about the confusion. Just head on over to the Fresh Water board.[/size][/green][/font]

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For me it is a 2 pound Ladyfish (saltwater / in the Tarpon family). You hook one of them your in for a fight, they will go airborne on ya. Had them jump 5-6 feet in the air several time.
[black][size 3]Okay, the fact that the only Ocean species I have ever fished for was Red Snapper off the gulf Texas, most of my fishing is done in land and yes with a fly rod.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]I have caught LM, SM, Bluegill, Crappy, Perch, Kamloop, Cutts, Browns, Rainbow, Hybrids, Brookies, Albino, Carp, Chub, Cat, White Fish and Tiger Trout.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Tiger Trout is a Hybrid (either Brookie or Dolly/char, not sure which) but here is a picture for you Thudpucker:[/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black] [inline mystery-trout2.jpg]
[#005000]btw... and it seems coincidental, but today on the outdoor channel.. the program with Ron and Raven (his black lab I believe).. they had a story on the tiger trout program on a some lakes in southern Missouri... and the fish they caught fought like all get out and once landed were beautiful... the males especially with their bright orange bellies simply stood out from the crowd.. at one point .. one of the anglers was in a float tube.. he was good sized.. and he commented on how the fish he had on the hook (turned out to be a 18" plus male I think).. was litterally dragging him around in his tube.. .. so I would say that that was one hell of a fighting fish.. pound for pound...

MacFly [cool][/#005000]

[cool][#0000ff]I gotta agree with the Goddess Lady. Tiger Trouts is baaaaad. They hit hard and fight well, all the way in. They often jump and when they get near the surface they go wacko. Some of the purtiest fish in fresh water too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The attached pic is of a tiger trout from Utah's Huntington Reservoir.[/#0000ff]
[black][size 3]We will be going with you there this year TD[Wink][cool][/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]Right On![/size]
[size 3]Thanks for the report there Mac. They are a hoot![/size]
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Hey guys you all had to post your reply on the Fresh Water Board.[/size][/green][/font][/center]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]This is a rather interesting question. I don't think that there can be a right or wrong answer. The first fish that I ever caught when I was about 7 or 8 was a Sunny. Not much of a fight. Later I would seek out the pickerel because they would put up a nice fight. If I stopped fishing at that point my response today would have to be that the pickerel is the best fighting fish pound for pound. So actually the greater number of species caught by an angler the larger their reference point would be. I have heard that a Peacock Bass is certainly one hell of a fighting fish. Can't prove it by me for I have never even seen one[/size][/green][/font].[Tongue]
[#008000]I have heard that a Peacock Bass is certainly one hell of a fighting fish. Can't prove it by me for I have never even seen one[/#008000]

[black][size 3]That is one fish I am going to catch on a FF before I die![/size][/black]
[center][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hey there FGD last year our guest at our FF club meeting takes folks on guided expeditions to Brazil in their quest for Peacock Bass. Prior to dinner he was demonstrating his skill at tying flies for the PB. He said that prior to a trip that he would make up about 750 flies to take on the trip. He mentioned that the PB absolutely destroy more flies than fish caught. His slide show was captivating & held every-one's attention. Man did they ever put a fight. Start saving your money FGD the trip will cost you more than a real fine boo.[Wink] [/size][/green][/font]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=22549;][/center]
[black][size 3]I hear that, but it is only money![laugh][/size][/black]
RE: The Tiger trout photo's.
I never heard of them before this forum.
What a cool looking fish too.
Great color and spot's, The Char's skin on a Trout's body.

On the defination of 'fighting fish' I'd like to say the spectacular part of how you rate a fish is the Visual.
So a Bass or Silver Salmon would rate much higher than say a Shark or a King Salmon.
Because the Bass and Silvers jump and run on the surface. You can see it and you have to be quick to deal with it.

Whereas a Shark is much like pulling up the Anchor. Kings can be that way sometimes, but the Grandaddy of all the pulling fish has to be the Halibut.'d never accuse a Halibut of being a Fighting fish.
It's more like hooking onto the back bumper of a Pickup truck, and dragging it backwards.

And to make another analogy for those who drafted the Bass or something can say the same thing about catching a Goldfish, as you can about Bass.
You just have to use a lighter Rod n' line.

So I'm sticking with the Silver Salmon for my best all around fighting fish.
Brute power, spectacular showmanship, and energy to burn!
Was watching VS tonight and saw a guy catch a huge lemon shark on a fly rig.. it was amazing... and the story the guy told as they showed it was great...even after it was all said and done you could see his adrenaline going up and he told the story...
