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I took the evening off work a little early to take my little girl fishing at one of our community ponds. She's been wanting to go fishing all winter with me but she was a bit little for the extreme cold of alot of the ice fishing adventures this winter. She turns 3 tomorrow. Figured there is no better time than now to get her hooked on fishing. It turned out pretty well in just over an hour we caught a couple white bass, a couple largemouths and one very small but fiesty carp. Here's a couple pictures. Sorry the one of the bucketmouth didn't turn out so well but it gives you an idea of the size.
[inline "bucket mouth.jpg"]
[inline "gaby & white bass.jpg"]
The Smile on her face is what it's all about! [angelic] Thanks for the report & pics!
Looks like a great afternoon. Happy birthday to your little girl.