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Hello, my name is Spc. Reggie Kalous of the US Army currently stationed in Iraq. I am originally from St. Petersburg Fl. I have built custom rods in the past and am in the process of working on some over here in the last months of our deployment. I have many younger soldiers interested in building rods and since we are stationed out of Hawaii they want to build one to take on a fishing trip there. My goal is to get enough supplies together for another deployment so these younger guys don’t spend any money. I have already been working on custom building 10 rod lathes but we are in need of supplies and the blanks are the most expensive of all. I would like to know if any one has contacts or know of any companies that are willing to donate rod building supplies to us over here. My wife is putting together some things I already gotten to ship over here but with all the interest I am getting on this subject I don't think I will be able to satisfy the needs. Any support would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
SPC Kalous
Welcome aboard allaroundfishing. Thanks for taking the time to register with this wonderful site. We do have a Rod Building forum if you would like to post this down there. Otherwise I would be glad to relocate it for you.

You may get a better response in the other forum.

Tight lines and keep up the good work that you are doing for our Country.[cool]
Thanks I would appreciate it.
Hello Allaroundfishing,
Welcome aboard and thank you for all you guys are doing for our country.

We can most definetly help, please Private Meassage me or post a list here of the supplies you need and we'll see what we can put together.
Hi Reggie, thanks for all you guys are doing.
and thanks Mike for getting this setup. I have a bunch of spools of thread I could donate. send me a pm with a shipping adresses
and I'll see what I can come up with. later chuck
I believe I have some blanks coming, and might be in need of a dryer. Definately could use thread, epoxy, cups, brushes,guides, tips, seats, burnishing tool, thread bobbin. Basically anything one can give. I will put up some pics. during and after if we have time and get enough to build some rods so everyone can see the guys in action. Most likely will do classes and see who gets to build a rod depending on how many complete kits I have. Hope to have enough for everyone. I have about ten to show how to build right now. Again thanks for all the support so far. Everyone please stay in touch and I will give updates as I can.
Thanks Reggie