Well, it looks like we're going to be having some pretty good weather the next few days, so i'm pretty excited!
I want to head out to Nelson for sure this weekend, and i'm sure i'll try apple creek and some others, but i'll have to check ice conditions...
anyone else gonna be going out????
I second the excitement with the warm weather!!!!!! I'm also am going to hit the water this Saturday. There's a river here in SC called the Little Pee Dee that i'll be pulling the boat to. It's a smaller river, but it's full of fish. The only thing is I believe the water is up pretty high. Anytime the water is way up, the fish catch a serious case of lock jaw. But. I won't be discouraged. [

I usually target big flathead catfish when i'm on the river. I also like targeting longnose gar and bowfin. Those guys are one hell of a fight, and it works out since I mostly catch and release.
I already know I won't be able to catch any live bait. I usually use live bream for bait, but since they'll be in the swamp with the high water, i'll have to import some live bait. I called the tackle store the other day and they stock live goldfish for 6 bucks a dozen. I think i'm going to have to try them out. [cool]
Yessss! Its going to get hot! Hopefully the wind wont be a problem though. That always ruins it for me[

] I'll probably hit nelson this weekend and I think I'm going back to apple creek today since I forgot my jack hah.[

What have you been up to James?
Sounds like a great river! How big is your boat since its a small river?
It seems to be the opposite up here as far as high water. When the water is high here the fish bite like mad most of the time. We have been in such a drought the last couple years and the fishing has really suffered. I'm hoping with all this melting snow it will really fill up the lakes.
Catfish huh? I love catching those! They put up one of the best fights I've ever experienced expecially with light tackle.
This might be a dumb answer but Walmart has goldfish for really cheap. I think only a couple cents. But I'm sure you're after the bigger ones right?[

Well you'll have to let us know how you do!
I wish i could fish for some fish like that around here, i guess i'll have to take a raod trip sometime to experience that [

Yup, I think I'm going to check out Apple Creek today.
It'd be nice to pull out a nice pike or walleye.
Just imagine if there was bass in there! With the water as high as it is now, it'd be so much fun to fish for them in there!
I've got two boats. A 16' tracker and a 21' Aquasport. I wouldn't trade the ol' tracker for nothing. It's like 4 wheel drive for the water. LOL I've bounced it off of stumps, cypress knees, docks, other boats, and run it a-ground. She still keeps chuggin' along. There's no place in the type of river I fish for those big, fancy bass boats. It's a good place to tear one up. The rivers around here aren't for the faint of heart. [

You're right in your accessment of me targeting the larger cats. The bait I usually use is hand sized or better. The goldfish the bait store sells are right around 5 or 6 inches in length, a pretty good sized fish.
When the water is up here, the smaller fish move into the swamp, and alot of times the bigger fish move in after them. The catfish will hold in the holes during the day, but move into the shallow swamp to feed at night. Catfish are situational eaters for the most part though. Even during the day, if a snack swims buy or drops in thier nesting hole, they will still take a snap at it. Alot of guys catfish at night, I have just as good a luck fishing deep during the day. It's an aquired talent. [

Whats up guys[cool]
I am looking forward to a little fishing this weekend too. I am probably going to hit the bank though. I won't have my boat until next weekend. I will probably go around 2:00. Hopefully its not super packed. If it is I have some other spots I could try. Looking forward to casting my Viento some more.
Hey James, what are you going to be fishing for? It's going to be a great weekend to "break the ice" with the fishing. I know there's been alot of anglers waiting for a decent weekend to hit the water. [cool]
Where ya headed james??
I'll prob be hitting up Nelson so let me know if you do and when you go out there!! [cool]
We def. didnt have that great of a fishing day eh bassmaster??
haha did you ever get those pics of apple creek, because you should post them if you did!!
Well, it looks like I might be changing my tune. I think I got talked into trying my luck on the ocean. Even though it's calling for 2-4' seas, I figure it'll be OK. We shall see. I'll make sure and post a report. [cool]
nah dont think I will. Dont want to give up our spot[

I'm heading to nelson as soon as I get off work tommorow. I'll probably get off around 2:30.
Anyone else coming?
[size 1]Well, even though it was calling for 2-4' seas, it was calm as could be the first half of the trip. It was nice and warm with a slow, cool breeze. We managed to get out on the reef around 9am, as we waited for the air temp to climb to a comfy level. I hit the mark the first drop of the anchor and the boat drifted strategically over the reef. We instantly began catching fish using squid on a two hook drop rig. We had plenty of bait for the live lines all day. I was surprised to see the pinfish on the reef this early. The sheephead were hanging around, but you really had to work for them. I even went to a smaller hook with a Flurocarbon leader, still it was very slow. We did manage to snag a few keepers though. [cool] We also schooled the seabass with a few nice keepers. Among the action, we manage to snag a few nice sharks and a couple dogfish. My father in law lost something pretty big on his live bait rig, I could only imagine what that was. The water temp 4 miles out was 62 degrees according to my tale-tale sonar. All in all, a pretty good day. Around 2pm, the wind shifted and tripled in speed. I decided to make a move to another spot, BIG mistake. The wind made it almost impossible to hit the spot, and after 3 times of hauling up the anchor because of missing the structure, I decided to leave well enough alone and head to the hill. Nothing can ruin a great day of fishing like a shift in the wind. Atleast it was a dry ride back. [cool]
Here's my son (sailfish4me) battling a shark he hooked off a live pinfish w/ a hair cut. [

Here's the first fish Mike caught off his new Penn 330 GTI we got him for Christmas. That's it in the picture spooled with 40lb Calcutta.
This is my father in law with a juvinile sheepshead he caught off of squid. LOL, yeah, squid. He'll be good table fare along with the others. [cool]
Here's my son rocking the BFT hat along with one of our nice keeper seabass. He's fishing with an ultra lite Penn spinning reel w/ 20 lb power pro on an Ugly Stix lite. They really rip that little reel.
Now i'm just looking foward to the fish fry. [cool] [/size]
Wow! Congrats on the report!!
Looks like you guys did pretty good[cool]. I'd love to take a trip and catch some fish like that!
I also got out this weekend. Fished for bass both Saturday and Sunday. I'll be posting a new thread later today when I get my pictures in order, but the pics aren't that great because i was the only one fishing and i was out in my tube [

]. Amazing weather this weekend though!
[cool][cool][cool][cool] I was so happy to just finally get on the water. It really wouldn't have mattered if we caught a bunch of fish or not. it turned out good though. Notice there aren't any pictures of me. LOL I spent most of my time helping them get thier fish. But, I have just as much fun watching them catch fish. I double as the first mate and the captain when we are on the water, so I stay busy. [

] I didn't even put my big pole out this trip. I will next time though. I did get to finally break in my new spinning reel on some frisky bottom fish though. I like that Power Pro line more and more everytime I use it. It's so sensitive.
One of the sharks my father in law caught beat my arm to death with his tail once I got the leader. LOL, it took the skin right off my fore arm. Imagine someone taking a piece of 80 gritt sand paper and rubbing the hell out of your arm, then you'll get the idea. [

] OUCH! I really didn't feel it until after the fact.
TubeN2 was having the same problem figureing out how to get pic's while on his tube. He is devising a plan as we speak. Keep an eye on the tube board, i'm sure he'll let everyone in on the secret when he figures it out. I do feel your pain though. My father in law isn't technically inclined, and my son isn't the best picture taker in the world. So, i'm at a handy cap with pictures too; unless i'm taking the pictures. LOL
haha looks like for now i'll have to start takin a tubin' buddy out with me to take pics for me[

Well, it's always funner with someone with you anyhow. Atleast I think so. I can count the number of times i've been fishing alone on one hand. I enjoy a good conversation and good company. Of course, I know a few guys that would rather fish alone. It just really depends on the angler I guess. I bet bassmasternd would go tubing with you.
How about it bassmaster? You got a tube? [

] If I lived in the local area, i'd head out with ya. [cool]

]haha well it looks like im gonna have to drag bassmaster with me the rest of the summer to take my pics [

] or thats my plan so far haha.
anyways i finally got the pics on my computer last night from the fishing this weekend. they arent that great but i'll for sure be posting them tonight