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Full Version: Bassin' at Deer Creek?
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Where do people target bass at Deer Creek? Is it better up in the brush around Charleston or maybe down at Wahlsberg? Little help...
In the fall I have done really well in the walsburg arm throwing crankbaits along the shore. Never tried the spring though.
I've always done pretty good on the RR side casting jigs or crankbaits just about that whole shore line some spots/points might be better then others. also down around the provo can be good also. around the island also.
later chuck
Around the island and across the lake by the tracks...echo...echooo. I've only fished DC in the spring a couple times but that will soon change. Wallsburg in the fall for the LMB's. Think black and blue...
Right on. Last year, on the advice of cat_man I fished the south east end from shore and picked up several small smb, but would like to see what we can do from a boat. Anyone have any luck for lmb in the brush around and north of Charleston? It just looks really fishy.