Fishing Forum

Full Version: Pimpin' Pictures Contest
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[cool][#0000ff]Hey gang, one of my self-imposed projects for the next little while is to do some serious upgrading and adding to the Tubing Board...especially in the pictures section. We have had some great contributions lately and it reminds me that I have been slacking off from my responsibilities.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]To encourage some more worthy submissions, and to recognize those already posted, I am going to run a little contest. I have a couple of the NEW BFT hats in my hot little hands that I will use as primary prizes, but I also have a bunch of new iron on patches and stickers too. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The two hats will go to the top two photo spread posts on tricking out or modifying either tubes or toons. I will be making separate threads on both on the picture board. Anybody who submits anything will be eligible to receive a patch and a couple of stickers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]To be fair, I will backdate the contest to begin March 1, to include some of the recent good stuff. I will leave it open until TAX DAY...April 15. If you have something planned, that will allow time to put it together, shoot some pics and post 'em up.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Members who are not submitting pics can participate by casting votes for their favorites. Voters can also be eligible for a patch and stickers, even if they do not send pics. How's that for fair?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here's a picture of the new hats. They are real classy...all white with a blue border on the bill.[/#0000ff]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=23031;]
Very cool idea, I guess i will need to finish mine get it painted up and submit it.
This ought to be good. hee hee hee. I guess I can't compete since I'm a Mod too. Sooooooooo. I will throw in some goodies as well with a special bonus to whom ever can beat the setup that I will present as a sample for the contest.[cool]
[cool][#0000ff]First prize...a day of fishing with TubeN2. Second prize...2 days fishing with TubeN2. Third prize...etc.[/#0000ff]
Ha ha.

I could even give them a choice of fresh or saltwater. Anybody up to some Shark fishing from a tube??[cool]
[cool][#0000ff]Be gentle. We are trying to get new members...not get rid of old ones.[/#0000ff]
And plane fare from Chicago O'Hare Intl. Airport include?[Smile][cool]
I'll have to see your setup before I can figure out how far my $5 dollars can get you.[cool]
[cool][#0000ff]First prize...a day of fishing with TubeN2. Second prize...2 days fishing with TubeN2. Third prize...etc.[/#0000ff]

So TubeN2 has to go to the winners state and take him or her fishin Is that the only way to get him to visit you is get somebody from Utah to win
Don't worry bro. I am familiar with the waters of Spudsville too. You just won't find me taking my tube through the entire length of the Snake. It get a little scary going down the falls in the downtown area of Idaho Falls.[cool]
Try riding shoshone falls. Thats a rush.
Is that one feasible from the Skeeter or do I need the FC4 in full formation??[cool]
Take a barrel cause the skeeter would crash big time FC4 might make it if you can hold your breath and not have a heart attack on the way down
LMAO!!!! You just made me dirty a good pair of Wade lites!!!! It does feel kind of warm though.[cool]