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[Sad] Was thinking on getting the boat out of storage after I got the yard work done this weekend , but the 5 inches this morning , and 5 more expected the rest of the day , might put those plans on hold !! Lets see , kids hockey is done , ice is too rotten to venture out on , to much snow to go antler hunting , gee , this weekend is going to suck !!!! Any suggestions ????

lets play hockey ! [Smile]

snow plow just went by looks like i'll be trying to move a bank this afternoon..
had 8" when i tryed to go to work today did't make it very far..
now the wind is picking up sounds like it's going to be a bad week for any thing..
70 degrees here at the time of this reply,

I will see the stuff your looking at tomarow...

well if you havent gotten your garden plotted out now is a good time for that,

tying snells, leaders, harneses and what nots.

changing all the line on your reels isnt a bad idea, could spend the whole day looking at all the types and verieties of line available at the tackle shop then buy the usual. [Tongue]
haha it's 15.5 here now and still snowing ..[Sad]
that poor easter bunny is going to freeze his chocolate easter eggs off [shocked]

so tell me, when the kids all dress up for halloween, do they dress up like frosty and abominable snow man? [sly]

we are talking upper 20s to mid 30s and snow they wont say, but tells us we are having flash flood wornings till midnight tomarow night, I havent seen a drip all day....
[unimpressed] Lets just not talk about that white stuff , its a bad thing right now , its just not right ! Had to go dig the wife out of a snow bank yesterday on main street here , its just not right !! LOL !! Lets talk about the green grass that was starting to come up , the pretty Robins that been coming for the last three weeks , not about that white stuff , its just not right !!!!!! 16 inches , its just not right !!! LOL !!!!!

tell me about it!!![pirate]

yesterday my car door was frozen shut!! had to get in on the passenger side.[pirate]
there just aint no powder sugar coating this one..

the deer horn of mich got 20" [shocked] It is snowing in detriot now, the crocus are bloomin and being covered.. well you know the saying, you can still expect a foot of snow a week after the crocus have bloomed. the first bloom I saw was a week ago today. still in bloom yesterday so we can figure a nother week of posible snow fall.

I have seen a foot of it a week after easter. one foot fell on the sunday night after easter sunday closing school for another two days.

Sad part is by the time the ice gets ready to walk on again up there it will melt again... Must be a PETA holiday!

well the wind is a blowin, but the river is a flowin, time to check out the suckers again. wont be long till I will be targeting trout and eyes. catch and release started a couple days ago here for trout, the season for inland eyes wont be open till the last saturday in the mitten.

Bass are good now, but the season it closed on them here till the last sat of may...

crappie are stacked up... if ya got the time to go a chasin them... I tryed to get my boat out last weekend but the yard was just to wetsoft to move the traler. broke the globe of the tail light on the trailer attempting to right side up.

once I did, it filled with rainwater...LOL par for the game... guess you can take the boat out of the water but you cant take the water out of the boat [angelic]
I have a pair of breeding mallards feeding from my deer pile. "year round deer pile" front yard, closed to hunting and never more than a quart of whole corn at a time...

robins, squirls, morning doves, red wing black birds, even crows are feeding out of my feed pile.

honey bees were hovering around as I worked on my boat, looks like they were ready for some spring time action...

the temps are susposed to jump back up to a woppin 50 by wensday of next week... woo hoo!

just so long as I dont have to light a fire under my bait on opening day of trout season.... done that before, "not fun" I actualy got colder on that night than I did the entire ice fishing season that winter....
well, now that the ground is stiff again I will pull my boat up from the back yard..., unfortunatly the water in the boat is frozen, I was saving it for the garden...

I have to drown another worm today.. never had a dozen crawlers last me so long before... suckers are running up north, they should be here...

I got the weather report for the weekend, cool and mosty clowny. thats right, the weather man said to expect a lot of clown cover this weekend.... LOL I want some of his coffee [cool][sly][laugh]
ya want to have fun with the kids for easter?

tell them the easter bunny is hiding white eggs out side....LOL.....
Quote:[size 1]Lets see , kids hockey is done , ice is too rotten to venture out on , to much snow to go antler hunting , gee , this weekend is going to suck !!!! Any suggestions ???? [/size]
Did you ever think about coming to SoCal?? No ice down here.[cool]
Quote:[size 1]I have seen a foot of it a week after easter. one foot fell on the sunday night after easter sunday closing school for another two days. [/size]

Didn't Pugsatony Phil see his shadow this year??? I think he just got up too early and someone hit him with the flashlight so that they could site him in their Scope on their rifle.[cool]
[font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#000000]Spring is in the air...the birds chirping, tulips blooming, trees budding and the truckers are getting frisky.[/#000000][/font] [Image: flashing.jpg]
[Sad] Nothing like getting kicked while your down , thats right , 6-8 inches of that white stuff on Tuesday through Wednesday !!! Wheres SPRING ?????????????
GRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[center][url ""][Image: DSCN0331.JPG][/url][/center][center] [/center] [left]I got out today and caught my first fish of the season. "non ice season"[/left] [left] [/left] [left]this wasnt what I was lookin for, but it is one for the fishing photo contest.[/left] [left] [/left] [left]if it is any consulation cleavland was burried under a pile of snow this weekend. they are a good hundred miles south of me...[/left] [left] [/left] [left]missed my spring sucker run, the water is back down to normal levels... [/left] [left] [/left] [left]violets are a bloom today though the snow, leaves on our trees are budding out dispite the cold and snow.. we had 12 inches of snow the last week, but nothing that would stick more than an inch, the ground is to hot... Lots of idiots crashing on the roads every day for the last week, cant turn on the tube with out hearing about a twenty five car pile up somewhere here in town....[/left]
i am glad we just got rain out of the N'Easter.they said if it was snow we would have got 3-5 feet[pirate]