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Full Version: Plans for Easter Weekend?
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Well, i'd like to start by telling all my fello carolina people HAPPY EASTER!

I figured i'd see what everyone had planned for this up and comming easter weekend. I know it's not as warm as we'd all like it to be, but atleast it's not going to rain. [Tongue]

We haven't gotten any plans as of right now. I know what ever we decide on is going to involve lots of food. [Wink] I've got to eat alot of food to maintain my "girlish" figure. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (my wife says I need to loose a few pounds in the gut)

I've yet to find out if I have to work this comming friday or not. I know saltwaterron will be off. LOL Shame on you if you don't go fishing. [Tongue]

I noticed the forecast of gradually warming weather after Sunday. That's a great sign of things to come. Hopefully, this will be the last cold snap before the summer days come.

I'd like to get out on the water. I was thinking of actually getting on the creek and trying for some of those black drum hanging around Whales creek.

I know we'll be looking for Easter Eggs on Sunday, that's always fun. I like painting the eggs with the youngin's.
well, my wife will be celebrating her 23rd wedding anniversary on the 6th just kidding but seriously it will be 23 years this friday dont think fishing is in the plans this weekend a friend of mine sent some pics of spot tails caught in the wando river is it possible to post them here i am not a computer whiz at all
sent you some pics hope you can pull them upyou may see that the e-mail is from sanderson89 for some reason there are times i can't open letters that have attachments and this is one of those times go figure
I can't wait for this weekend! I'm hoping for the weather to shape up for some fishing!!! [cool]
LOL, I checked my email first and sent a reply back saying "Thanks for the great pictures.........Do I know you from somewhere." [sly] [sly][sly][sly] I did get them though, and they are great pictures.

There's actually an easy way to upload pictures. In the same screen you type your posts in, look a little bit lower and you'll see the part that says "attachment/video__________________Browse"

All you have to do is click browse and add each picture one by one from your computers folder or from the camera. Each time you select a photo, you click the "upload attachment" button right below. Then click browse, find your next photo, and continue the process.

I would paste them for you, but I can't modify the photo, they are a little too big to copy and paste right on the thread.

Another really EASY way of doing it is this. Click the link above that says "photo gallery." Upload your photo's into the gallery. Once you've done that, all you have to do is right click on the photo in your gallery and copy it. Then, go to your post and right click again and click on paste. Bingo, picture in your post with two clicks of the button.

Really great pictures though. I hope you're able to get them on the site. If you have any problems, don't be affraid to ask! If you want, i'll PM you my phone number and i'll coach you through the first couple.
I don't know how it's looking for ND, but I know it's suppose to rain Friday and it's suppose to be pretty cool and windy the rest of the week. It won't start warming up until Monday. If we're lucky, the fishing will get back in gear by next weekend.

Are you planning a trip this weekend? What's the weather suppose to be like? I know you guys up your way can brave the cold a little better than I can. LOL I remember seeing a picture either you or bassmasternd posted with snow on the ground. [Tongue] You'll never see me with a fishing pole in my hand with snow on the ground. I'll be hugging the heat vent with long johns on. [Wink]
Haha well as of right now I'll have to wait it out. The weather has been on and off around here lately. From today, the temp. is supposed to keep going up, but it's only around 40 out. I'm sure that no matter what, i'll be getting out this weekend at least once. Can't be too cold though [Tongue] LOL I'll let ya know how i do!!