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is there alot of private streches of the ogden in the canyon? I try to stay away from the homes thru there but there is some pretty water i would like to hit but want to be respectful if it is. just wondering[angelic]
The private stretches are pretty well marked.
thanks much, ive just pulled of at some spots in the canyon but havent seen any signs so i must be ok where ive been going, thanks again lh2[cool]js
You will know where the people don't want you fishing. They throw rocks at you and sic their dogs on you!
And that's when you are on the opposite side of the river from their property!
that could be a new sport, full contact fishing, helmet pads and a rod.
Throw a rock at me while I'm legally fishing and OUt comes the cell phone. First a quick photo or 2 then the Sherriff and DWR Officer.
It is illegal to harrass a hunter or fisher while they are legally engaged in their sport.

I believe the projection if a missle is also assualt.

I've always wanted a piece of property along the Ogden so I could donate it as a fishers access and parking lot.
As long as you are in the river and not on the bank you should be able to go most anywhere. I have never had a problem with anyone in the canyon. Alot of the river behind houses is claimed to be private property but I just can't see how someone can actually own a river. If you are polite and respectful to the land owners they usually return the respect to you. It might help that Flycastin and I know most all the land owners up there too. If they do ask you to leave, than just apologize and leave and there is no harm done.
I have never had a problem in about twelve years of fishing the river. Just stay in the river.
HookJaw is right, jusrt stay in the water and you should be fine.
about 25 years ago I fished the upper provo on privite land, got caught by the owner Jhon Days, but when he caught us we were in the water wading up stream. we talked to him about staying in the water and he said we were ok by staying in the water. he said yea I own the land but not the water and he ended up giving us permission to fish the river from that date 1982 until someone else owned the land. that was cool. if the tell you to leave just say sorry I thought by being in the water I was ok and then leave.
later chuck
In the early 70's i had an unpleasant encounter with one of the canyons fiester residences in the river by those white homes, i was in the river fishin an this old cranky guy started screaming at me to get my a-- out of the river, it was his property. I thought that the river was state property and i wasn't tresspassing, he went into his sliding glass door and returned with a rather large 45 cal pistol so i left. My cousin is a prominant defence attny and we went to montana for our annual trip with two local judges and one other attny and i told them of my encounter and for the next 6.5 hours to montana the legal eagles were in full bloom, and after much debate an follow up research, it was determined that indeed pistol packin pete owned the real property which included the bank and "river bed " they don't own the water or the right to navigate it as long as your floating your fine, if your wading or on the bank your tresspassing, so hookjaw is right make friends and ask permiss, but indeed the owners deed and legal description can include the river bed, this very issue from a montana case went to the supreme court and that was the ruling, by the way the gun pointin guy has been taking a dirt nap since 1985, i sold his property to a realy nice retired school teacher and she loves to see folks enjoying the river.
[Smile][Smile]There is only one stretch of the river (in the canyon) that I know is private. Maybe a quarter way up the canyon... just passed the popular rock climbing area. There are houses on the North side of the river, but it is posted almost to the road on the South side. I have been givin permission by one of the residents there, but not by another, and that guy was a @#$... So I just don't fish there anymore. But as Hookjaw said, there are some really great residents up there, that like to shoot the breeze with you as you fish. I even had one point out where a fish was sitting for me, and he watched as I casted to, and caught that fish. Another sent his dog (large) over to us to make sure we weren't hiding any milk bones from him... LOL.

Another thing that Hookjaw and I do to get in their good graces, is clean up the river and road. We used to take garbage bags with us, and on the way back would pick up garbage. We haven't done it for awhile, but are planning to soon. [cool]
thats some good stuff to know about the land up there, thanks to everybody that responded, im headed that way now, i seen the pics of the smallie and it got me excited.[Smile]js
What you say is very true as long you are floating you should be fine.

Now ponder this. The lower Provo about 1/2 mile below the DC damn. It has been post no fishing, no rafts, no tubes, no floating of any kind. This is through a campground that is there. I know that Utah County Sherriffs issue citaion if they call them and you are floating that part of the river. I myself will push this issue this summer. I just recieved information that the campground only owns to the middle of the river. The other side is owned by a different party. I have wondered how the tubbing outfitter has survived. It would cut their float trips just about in half. The gall of some people. I can understand them not wanting you on their property but in/on the river.