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I have a imx loomis that I broke about 4'' off of and becouse this is my favorite time of the yr to fish wanted to wait till july too send it back how can I repair it I put a new fugi top guide on it but it is spining on me every time I swing the rod It is driving me nut's I had a 33lb lake trout yesterday pull the eye right off I used the glue that came with the eye the melting type what am I doing wrong eny help thank's ASH
chuck can help. i beleive we use epoxy but the name he will know. ill get him to pm ya. see ya very soon. april.
[black][size 3]Hey fishley,[/size][/black]
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[size 3]Did you clean and rough up the tip of the blank before you applied the Ferrel cement (melt glue)?[/size]
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[size 3]Also, is it the right size tip for the blank?[/size]
it is maybe a little to big?it was the closest i found.thank's ash.
[black][size 3]Hey Ash,[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]I think that the tip size may be the problem.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]When that melt glue (Gubrod product) is applied in small quantities, it holds like crazy, but in quantity, it has a tendency to crack. maybe you have noticed the buildup that pushes out after you have applied the tip,(after it cools) can be snapped off with your fingernail, breaks off like glass.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Also, you may find that after you fish with the broken rod you may not want to send it back for repair. I found a light weight rod for jigging for mack at the Gorge that I really liked. Liked it so much, that I bought 4 of them. Was camped at swim beach one day, and closed the tip of a rod in the motor home door. lost about 3 inches from the tip.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]I sanded the tip down a little, and reinstalled the same rod tip. The next day while fishing it, I was getting many more hits than the wife, who was in the same boat.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]We switched rods, and she was getting all the hits, the loss of that 3 inches from the rod, made it more sensitive, and easier to detect strikes.[/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]When we went back to camp for lunch/nap, I took 3 inches of another of the rods, and we have used them that way ever since. [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]Maybe you could install the old tip to get a better fit for the repair[/size][/black].
I agree with the guys here,

to solve the problem take the eye end back off clean out the eye by heating it and allowing the plastic glue to run out.

use foxy epoxy to cement the new eye end back on. it wil fill the gap... I dont think they can put an extender on your rod that will work and if they could it wouldnt matter anyway...


Another fix is to apply paper to the tip that has been wet with epoxy. Regular notebook paper works. cut it to the width of the insert depth of the tip top. cover the peper with epoxy and roll a few wraps maybe 3 cut off the extra and let dry. Then fit the tip top to see if it fits snug if nut add another layer and try again. once fittied you coat the tip with epoxy one more time and secure the new tip top.

This works great I do it on my rod that customers use. I buy tips that never fit. Customers love to try and reel the sinker through the tip guide so I just replace them with what ever is around at the local shop.
I have seen a number of rods with enlarged eyes...

I am not sure which perpous it serves.
thats a good idea Joe, thanks.
later chuck
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]You can also wrap some thread on the tip to take up space. Use the thread size that works the best as a filler. If you wrap it a little long, it looks like the trim wrap is there too.[/size][/black][/font]
You need to back wrap it with masking tape if the tip is to big. Only a temporary fix. I've done this when we go on long range trips when needed.