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Full Version: Lincoln Beach Floatilla Phooey 4-6-07
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[cool][#0000ff]Dusty_T, a BFTer from the Tubing board, was back in Utah after living for some time in Nebraska. Just here for Easter family get-together and wanted some of us locals to go tubing with him. We worked it out for a small group to hit Lincoln Beach this morning.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Everything started off great. Polokid showed up at my place 15 minutes early and we were on our way. Road and his son, Fishboy2, were to pick up Dusty_T in the truck and we would all meet up about 7. Hey, we were all there early. What a start.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Lake was calm and there was a nice pink sunrise. Looking good. I had brought extra tubes for Polokid and FB2, and extra minnows and carp meat for everybody. Road didn't think the minnows were soft enough, so he stepped on his while setting up his toon.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Got the other guys launched and finished getting my rig on the water by 7:45. Water temp was an encouraging 55 at launch. I figured we would really get into them. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My first cast was whacked hard. I set the hook, felt a couple of headshakes from a decent fish and dared to hope it might be a walleye. Yeah, right. A toothless golden walleye. Got it to Smile for a picture and then gave it the customary complimentary gillectomy...and released it unharmed.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]A hundred casts later, not another touch on plastics. I figured the cats would wanna play so I plopped out a minnow on one rod and a piece of carp meat on the other. Then...a whole lot of nothing. Worked in and out, up and down. Nary a tweak.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]While I was busy catching nothing, everybody else thought they would do their best to keep me amused. FB2 and Dusty both developed leaking air valves on their tubes and had to return to the beach for adjuxtments and air. Polokid developed a severe case of "bilge water" problems and threw up a roostertail getting back to shore to "download". In the process he lost the rigid apron and ruler from TubeBabe's float tube.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Even road was not through, after smashing his minnows. His next performance was to coax two fish to smack his baits simultaneously. In the excitement and confusion, he donated an expensive pair of glasses to the gods of Lincoln Beach. We speculated about those spectacles. We were wondering that if a carp came up wearing them if it would look better than road.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Oh yeah, FB2 wasn't through either. After going ashore and making it back out to the "fishing grounds", he announced that he had lost a fin. That was about the time one of the periodic breezes kicked up. Good father road rowed over and donated one of his fins to aid his son in getting back in...probably so he wouldn't have to tow him like before.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Everybody got a few bites, but hookups were tough to come by. FB2 scored a chunky bullhead, Dusty dragged in a carp and road just played conservationist...feeding the fish without molesting them much. Fortunately, yours truly avoided the stench of skunk. In addition to the cooperative carp, I caught one mudder and lost a couple more. I had several pick ups and runners from catfish, but only got the hook into one. It was a feisty 24" mama that weighed 5.6 pounds. Fun, fun, but I wished that the others could have played with a few more just like it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As usual, there were some "distractions". A DWR crew came roaring in in their boat to check the live nets they had set at the mouth of the Benjamin Slough, just about the time our whole group came together right in that area.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]A short time later there was a sound like the biggest swarm of Angry mosquitoes you ever heard. Turned out to be a para plane. He wanted to show off and kept dropping down to only a few feet off the deck to show us his nifty craft. The vibrations of the engine could be felt underwater in our waderclad legs...and by the fish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If that wasn't enough, the worlds loudest small boat came roaring in between our group and the shoreline...briefly. Then, they shut off their noisy kicker and began "quietly" doubt to keep from scaring our fish. They banged the tin boat with every sweep of the paddles. From past experience I knew that the sensitive fish in the area were beating a retreat. At least none of us got another whack over the next hour we stuck it out.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The one good thing was the weather. Very mild with only slight breezes off and on, with flat calm conditions in between.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We were all on shore by about 1 PM. After some BSing and smoked catfish we headed our vehicles back home. A good had was timed by all.[/#0000ff]
Sorry to hear it wasn't better for you.

I think I am going to try over on the west side in the morning.

Depending how many people are in the area will determine how long I stay.

Maybe some of the cats will want to play.
Yep that's pretty much how it was.

But I take exception "so he steped on the while setting up his toon". I did no such thing! Those minnows were OLD and HARD! So much so that I didn't think I could get a lazer hook through them. So I tenderized them using the old greek wine making method. Now they were just fine for fishing.

Would anyone here like to explain to the Mrs that *hit happens and its no big deal. She said I should have jumped over board and dove to the bottom of the lake to find those glasses. She even went as far as suggesting that I needed to stay down there (on the bottom) until I did find them. Sheesh that woman has no sense of humor. If ya all could have seen how it happened. It was too funny.

Now the wind was starting to blow a bit. FB2 annouced he had lost a fin. Kicking as hard as he could he ws making no headway. So I rowed over to him to make sure he was OK. Yes I could have tossed him a line. And yes I could have towed him all over UL. But I opted to *generously* donate on of my fins to him. I mean after all you have to let them grow up sometime don't you?

Well I had a good time Nice to see Polo again, meet Dusty-T, as always fun to fish with TD and FB2
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Marty, your new camera does a pretty good job...considering the subject matter.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Thanks for chipping in the extra pics.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]How about doing the same on the Tubing board.[/#0000ff]
sounds like along day. I had a great week at the pumps total of 14 nice white bass two walleyes 13@16'' and one kitty 3lbs. Lets hope the fishing stays good and gets better.
Not a problem TD wa going to when I got bumped offline. We get great service here in Heber from Comcast..
The fishin is always good, sometimes the catchin isn't the best is all.
Not a problem TD wa going to when I got bumped offline. We get great service here in Heber from Comcast..[/reply]

Let's hope that Comcast guy in front of you today when you were dropping me off is not your service tech -- you may be offline a week waiting for him to get to Heber [Wink]

Thanks for the pics. Some great desktop backdrop material.
Looks like you guys had a great time despite tough fishing. [Smile]
my gosh, what a trip! With a camcorder you could have had something good enough to send in to America's Funniest Home videos. Sounds like it was a lot of fun anyways.
my gosh, what a trip! With a camcorder you could have had something good enough to send in to America's Funniest Home videos. Sounds like it was a lot of fun anyways.[/reply]

Any trip where my waders come out dry from the knees up is a good trip IMO [Wink] Great scenery, good weather, nice people, and a little bit of exercise -- could not ask for more.
[signature] true.
My comcast "service tech" is my neighbor. Now how bad is that! He told me a couple of years ago when I was complaining of poor reception. That the folks in Heber never complain so they never know they have a problem. Steal cable services from them and I bet they can detect that ina hurry! At anyrate I'm back online again, for now.
[#505000]Sorry to hear you had a less than spectacular trip. Shoulda taken me up on today's invite! [cool][/#505000]
[#505000]I'll post a report Monday when I get my pics downloaded, but I caught your fish that got away and ended my morning with 2 over 7lbs. One of the two WAY over 7lbs! Both in my secrect spot. [Smile][/#505000]
[#505000]Good thing I had to be off the water by 10 my friends who was fishing from shore looked to be getting ready to throw rocks at me![/#505000]
Man.... you can't post that and leave us hangin!!!! [shocked]

I wanna see!!!

It may be a new catfish for the Trophy Board.... [cool]
[cool][#0000ff]You should be happy that I left your spot unmolested. I figured that with the water warming the fish would be moving in there...just like they did last year at this time.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, knowing that you planned a trip there I did not want to mess it up for you.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glad you got some exercise.[/#0000ff]
[font "Arial"][red][size 3]TD,
Thanks for the invite to come along. It has been years trying to get out and go fishing with ya. Too bad the fishing wasnt spectacular, but if anyone should know the ups and downs with fishing, it is me. I hope to get out more in the coming season![/size][/red][/font]

[cool]Man, what a crappy day out on the pond. With all of those things going wrong, it sounds like BassAckward (Mike) was probably in your group too, although no mention of him. Were you there Mike?[Tongue][Tongue]

At least you didn't get skunked though, T.D.
[cool][#0000ff]BA was not amongst us. But, I heard that he did fish Utah Lake the week previously. That could have been the reason for the bad juju.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Me...get skunked? Surely you Geoff.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Only blanked once last year...out of 93 trips...and that was when I fished with another BFTer out of their boat.[/#0000ff]
Don't jink yerself!!!! hehe (knocks on wood for Pat's sake!) [cool]