Fished with a friend above the Legacy Bridge today. It was my first time fishing this river ever....why did I wait so long (only been in UT < 2yrs) ?!!!! I hooked 8 trout, landed 5 of them up to about 13-14 inches. Friend caught at least that many. We were using San Juan worms as the point fly, but most trout were caught on the midge nymph droppers. I don't know the flies, but they were grey with some flashback, about size 20-22. Also used a tiny black and white midge with some flash, approx size 22. Broke in my new 5wt G.Loomis Streamdance GLX today...what a great rod! First time using flies below sz 18, first time fishing 6x tippet. It was a good day for not getting on the river until 1 pm! Lower Provo was packed when I drove by around 12:30. Deer Creek was also quite busy for a Friday before end of workday!
Thanks for the report. Sounds like you had a great time. Were there any risers?[

great fishing! Bummer on the rod. Call 1-800 Gloomis for the warrenty they will charge you 50.00 and ship you a new one 3 day. you put your broken rod in the tube,put the sticker they provide on the tube and give it back to ups. easy!
There was a few fish rising in some of the side eddies. They appeared to be taking something invisible (midge emergers probably) rather than the BWOs that were hatching at the time. I tried throwing an Adams of approximate size (about an 18) but not even a nudge. So that confirms the fish feeding on midges!
I have Fridays off if you'd ever like to hook up for a little stream fishing. I'm trying to learn the area rivers as I'm fairly new to UT. I'm especially interested in the Weber and Ogden Rivers. Would rather not fish the rivers on the weekends, as they are way too crowded then for me!
Thanks for the advice! But I did not damage the rod! I just broke it in (i.e. broke it's fish cherry) as it was a brand new rod!
I was up there Friday. I fished below the first bridge west on the highway. I hiked down about a mile and fished back up. I've never fished the MP before. I loved it!!! I hope to get back up in the next month. How long does the BWO hatch last?
I caught 6-8 trout below 14". I caught them all on an extended body #20 BWO. I stopped in the four seasons flyshop in Heber on thursday and then fished the LP that day. Those guys were great, very nice and set me up with what I needed. I didn't feel looked down on like I do at alot of other shops.
Really crowded on the LP and only caught 1 on a #20 pheasent tail. But on the MP, even though I got a late start, I had sucess. there weren't alot of risers, but they still took my BWO.