What sre the best baits or lures for red salmon, kokanee salmon and landlocked salmon because I just found out that there all these types of fish a lot closer to me than I coul have imagined.Basstracker29
Hello Basstracker29,
I've only been fortunate to fish for one of those kinds of salmon and was bouncing Salmon eggs off the bottom.
Where are you fishing?
Sounds like you'll be having some serious fun!! Good lUck and don't forget to let us know how you do.
try flies and forget stupid lures.[

a sweedish pimple tipped with a minnow works great thru the ice , and a spawn bag with a maggot will really get there attention .
be carefull on that ice !
Hey there lonehunter,
Can you imagne the reaction of commuters in Florida if they saw your post on a billboard in late August?! ha ha ha
Hey there lonehunter,
Can you imagne the reaction of commuters in Flordia in August if they read your post while zipping along the freeway?! ha ha ha lol
oh yea , i have hunting stories up yhe wa-zoo that are funnier than that thing . while i was duck hunting when another hunter hit a duck , it came down and hit me from behind , i went swimming in november . i had to strip down to my fruit of the looms and wrapped my self up in stiff dirty canvas . there were only a hand full of other hunters at the boat launch when i got in , but it felt like a croud of thousands was there to get there giggles in .