I'm a newbie here at BFT, as well as Utah. I've been hitting up the Weber anywhere from Wansfield to Ogden, but this weekend had my best day yet out there.
Began near Wansfield on Saturday nymphing. Had a hopper as my strike indicator and hares ear trailing. Got a small Brown and a White on the nymph but nothing too great. Then I had a brown (I think) smash my hopper and I missed her. Next cast, same fish (I'm supposing) nailed it and I once again missed. So I said heck with it and began fishing dries exclusively (no trailer). Got the one I missed twice on my hopper, got a couple rainbows with a parachute adams and another couple fish (1 brown, 1 bow) with a little griffiths gnat.
Sweet day on the Weber. Best dry fly action in a while![cool]
A couple pics are attached.
Nice report and pics! [cool]
excellent day!! nice pics. Some times it pay to through something goofy like an out of season hopper.
[black][size 3]Right On hartz![/size][/black]
Yea.. I like to use hoppers as strike indicators under any situation. You can see them well and ya never know, you might get a pleasant suprise!
so the water was pretty clear or was it kind of dirty?
The clearest I've seen it in the past month.
Pretty clear - kind of dirty? Isn't that like is the glass half full or half empty! Guess I'm an optimist!
Yeah i didnt mean for it to sound like that so were you hight than echo or below it cause i dont know where wansfield is.
Yea, I was just giving you a hard time with the half full thing, no harm meant.
First, it would be helpful if I gave you the correct town... I meant WanSHIP, not Wansfield. Anyhow, Wanship is just below Rockport. I was at a spot which is right next to a motocross track (you can see the track from the highway when headingsouth on I-80). Between Rockport and Echo are a bunch of access points to the Weber through peoples property. Great area w/ many nice runs of river.
I went out again yesterday afternoon after work and got another bow on the hopper though. It might be out of season, but it seems to be working regularly. It was frigid though, ice in my eyelets and some big gusts of wind.
I was thinking about going right by the Mt green Exit today after school but i heard it was murky but if up futher is clear maybe ill head up there. Did you see any hatches going on or was it to cold for that to happen.
Didn't see any hatches yesterday... There were a few rising though. The wind was really whipping around, so there might've been hatches that I just couldn't see...? Every other time I've been out I've seen the water just covered with little midges.
I work up in Layton and live in SLC. So after work I often drive up 84 to 80 and on to SLC. The water seems to get murky lower (near that hydro-plant). I would recommend going up a little higher than Mt. Green area, even if its just near Stoddard or Morgan (up another couple miles from Mt. Green exit).