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Full Version: East Canyon 4/10
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Flycastin and I headed up to East Canyon this afternoon. We immediately started to get bites and Flycastin landed two nice rainbows. The wind picked up and just about blew us away so we decided to move. We tried over by the junction and Flycastin landed another while I was trapping skunks. Flycastin ended up with three nice bows and I played with the big skunk all day. We were fishing in The Hollow at first and then we moved to the junction. We used powerbait and a worm w/marshmallow.
Right on guys. Wish i could have made it. Next time.[cool]
Nice report. Looks like East canyon isn't too far from full pool. That's a good sign.
Hey HookJaw, just wondering what type of hook were you using? By the way , nice pictures Thanks for sharing.

Had a good time as usual. We actually got a lot of bites... for some reason we just weren't hookin' em. Oh well.

The bows all had minnows in them... Looked like crappie minnows to me, but they were pretty digested.

They sure are healthy fish up there! [cool]
Nice job besides playing with your skunk Matt!J/K We need to get the boat up there sometime.
I took the boat for it's first trip of the year with a friend on 04/09/2007 and did very well. We each had our two pole permits and with four rods in the water it was crazy. We trolled around and picked up about 16 in two hours. Had two on twice and three on at once. That was crazy. The wind picked up a few times but kept fishing until the rain started. Left about 6pm.