Has anyone else tried drawing a detailed schematic to see where you are going to place things? Or am I the only one with to much time on my hands. I did it so that I wouldn't have to have it assembled while I figured out dimensions of things and also gave me a realistic idea of how something would function.
I have scribbled down several differnt ideas for my set up on my tube. But that being said in a tube I do not quiet have as many options.
That looks like some good planning. At least you won't get

[#008058]I do draw things out. In fact I came up with a standing platform a long time ago, even before Scadden did. Just haven't gotten around to doing it.[/#008058]
[#008058]The only suggestion I have on your drawing is the battery is going to be around 50 to 60 lbs. so you might want it in the center right behind you. It might not make a difference, it will all depend on how long and wide your toon is.[/#008058]
[cool][#0000ff]Beside my desk is a stack of legal pads. Everytime I get a wild idea the first thing I do is sketch it out, put some dimensions to it and then come up with a few alternates. It is surprising how much better your thinking becomes when you have something visual to relate to.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Some of us in the Tubing family use CAD (Computer Assisted Design) or other design software either in our professions or just as a personal thing. We have had some interesting creations pop up on the board over the years. Some are more practical than others. The real test is always HOW WILL IT PERFORM ON THE WATER?[/#0000ff]
It's like you're a mind reader or something...[

I was thinking...literally 5 minutes before I read this....that I needed to change my setup to make it quicker to setup and takedown. When I go out in the evenings I usually only have a couple hours of daylight available. I would like to minimize setup time as much as possible.
Anyways, I work in AutoCad every day and was thinking I could take advantage of that to help me with some ideas!!!
Then again, some of us are a bit challenged in the art/design area and have to see things in person to figure them out. I'm guilty as charged on that one - a lousy artist/draftsman. I envy you autocad guys and gals.
Then again, some of us are a bit challenged in the art/design area and have to see things in person to figure them out. I'm guilty as charged on that one - a lousy artist/draftsman. I envy you autocad guys and gals.
I am pretty art challenged but can usually hack something out with that box of crayons that I stole from my kids.
I used corel draw. I print T-shirts for a living and it is the program I am used to. By the way, what is shown on the drawing, I have already put on my toon and tested. The rod holders shown are to hold the ends of my canopy. The Deck is GREAT.
I would be more than willing to help anyone that wanted to make a scale drawing of there floatable device. It really comes in handy when seeing if ideas ae even possible. Of course the proof is in the pudding. The mods I have done so far work great.
By the way, yje bait well shown is a rectangular shaped FRABILL. It works really good with minimal battery power. Also the fish finder shown is a fishin buddy 2202.
Here is what the canopy took to build. It was very straight forward. If anyone need info please ask
Floatin in the BURGH
If you tell me the demensions that I need to draw it, I would be more than happy to draw up your rig. I wouldn't take very long, and as long as you are using a pc I can send you a program you can use to put stuff on it, and be able to visualize what it will look and operate like. If you need my help it's here.
If you tell me the demensions that I need to draw it, I would be more than happy to draw up your rig. I wouldn't take very long, and as long as you are using a pc I can send you a program you can use to put stuff on it, and be able to visualize what it will look and operate like. If you need my help it's here.
KAZUALT [/reply]
Hi Kazault,
I appreciate your generous offer, my friend.
I was just making a passing comment about my own artistic and mechanical deficit. I'm set as far as tube design since fly fishers don't require too much stuff hanging off their tubes/toons. (It only makes more places to tangle a fly line.) I no longer use my toon as it has surpassed the age of safe use and I prefer fishing from a tube. If I ever go to something different I'll keep your offer in mind.
All the best to you.
Would you mind sending me copy, sound like a great program is it a cad program or.....
I pm'ed my email
Because I ama screen printer, I use Corel Draw 9. It is a very cheap, ebay for around $15. It is the primary program for T-shirt printers. But ANY DRAWING program WILL WORK. Most PC's come with Microsoft Paint. Although not as indepth as Corel Draw 9, it is more than capable of handleing a simple schematic.
What kind of boat do you float? If I had something to look at, I could probably get something together from that.
If you do it yourself use 1/4 scale. That way when you print it out to study to sketch on it, the image will be large enough to visualize the addons. I also colorized some parts of the schematic so I can get a feeling of depth.
If ya need help just yell
Floatin in the Burgh
GIMP is an open source alternative to Photoshop. Beware though it's not easy.
I have a 3d modeling program on my computer, that would be fun to model pontoon boat ideas on, maybe I should start a business
] I'm sure I could round up a few customers[

I tried it once. It wasn't 25 minutes on the water and everything was completely different. In my H3 or kickboat, the fly boxes are in the right bag. Left bag has tippet, extra spools, Leatherman, camera. Left of my seat is the stripping basket. Right side between the bag and seat I have ripple foam to dry/keep my flies with velcro on the backside. (I carpeted the deck). In front of that the sonar. Just behind the ripple foam is the motor controller. In back of my seat I usually keep a fanny pack. Behind it is the battery and then motor. Left rear is where I have 2 Scotty rod holders. There's enough room for a jacket there too.
Right side rear is an extra Scotty rod holder. Between that and the seat I have room for a small cooler.
The H3- Room enough in the back for a case.
Your Layout sounds great[

]. I understand that the way I do things in very unorthodox, but drawing it out HELPS ME GREATLY[cool] I guess it all depends on the tooner.
Thanks for your input
I have rough sketches of all my stuff. I just wished that I had a good drafting program to draw up stuff. I just do not have teh mega bucks for a cad program.
It's not a cadprogram, but Corel Draw 9 is cheap, $25-$45 on ebay. It is very easy to learn. I taught myself in about 2 months of regular f$%^*& with it. You can do tons of stuff with it. It has a tuturial that comes with it, that is enough to get a pretty good understanding of the basic program. heres a link to a current ebay auction [url "http://cgi.ebay.com/Corel-Draw-9-Graphics-Suite-for-PC-coreldraw-NIB_W0QQitemZ150110723452QQihZ005QQcategoryZ51344QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.com/Corel-Draw-9-Graphics-Suite-for-PC-coreldraw-NIB_W0QQitemZ150110723452QQihZ005QQcategoryZ51344QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
Heres another for corel draw 8 which is just as goodhttp://cgi.ebay.com/Corel-Wordperfect-8-Suite-w-Corel-Draw_W0QQitemZ250102548846QQihZ015QQcategoryZ41879QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem