Went out to Pineview today for a few hours, it was no feeding frenzy but did picked 2 smallies so all and all a good day[cool]...Got'em both near cemetary point with a yellow curly tail and no weight just a swivel to atatch the snell. Both were great fighters, im not sure why the one was bleeding the only thing I can think of is he swallowed the hook and when I set it the hook riped his mouth up a little, he was hooked in the lip when I pulled him out....hope he's ok for another day[pirate].
Edited to cover up my stupidity[crazy]...
They both look like smallies to me. What was the water temp?
Yeah those are both smallies [
Thanks for the report. If we can get some stable (warm) weather, fishing should get good. [cool]
Nice Post! That bloody smallie is probably in a muskies belly by now. Wouldn't think a fish trailing a bunch of blood would last too long. Thanks for the post.
Sounds good me, as long as he dosent go to waste and im all for giving a musky a free meal [cool]
Nice Fish Dude. Thanks for sharing
Good Grief FF462,
How in the world are you going to take those pictures I emailed you and post them as a fishing report for yourself???[sly] Just kiddin' nice looking smallies. Wish I could have made it. I will be at East Canyon bright and early tomorrow. Let you know how I do, or feel free to come on up and join.
I dont have any sonar or anything so i would have to say the water temp was cold not really really cold but pretty cold[cool][sly].
Would of loved to of gone but got stuck with the duty and have to stay close by.....forgot to get supers #[