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[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Thought that I would share with you a South Bend fly reel from the past. This was my Dad's reel that he used on his Boo.[/size][/green][/font]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=23790;][/center]
Very nice auto!
I was lucky enought o find a good friend that sent me an auto to put on my Grandfathers Monty that I mounted on the wall. Perfect finishing touches.
I have a red one just like it. It, too, was my Dads. It is on the way with my Dad's Wright McGill fiberglass rod. For a good number of years I forgot that I had them both. When my Dad had died about 1980s my brothers and I gave it to my father-in-law. Shortly before my x-father-in-law died he gave it back to me. That was about 10 years after I was divorced from his daughter. For a good number of years after that they were sitting in the back of the closet when I was packing up to move. They looked familiar but I could not remember where I got them from. It took several days for it to come back to me. Then lots of memories started coming back about fishing with my Dad when I was a young kid. Also about camping trips with my x wife's parents.

On my first fly fishing adventure I used the glass rod and automatic reel our guide wanted to play with it for a while he had not seen one in a number of years.
ohhhh my... I remeber seeing a reel like that .. or very similar (not I think).. at my grandmas house when I was a kid... years and years ago.. I could not of been older than 9 or 10... wow... what a flashback... and scary too...[laugh]

MacFly [cool]