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Just got back from my 5 hour fishing trip with my 3 year old Mikell. I went fishing the night before with a friend and she was Sad she couldn't go, so I decided to make it a daddy, daughter trip. We pulled up to Quail at around 10:00 am, launched to boat, and were off. I wanted to try some Bass fishing, but wasn't having much luck, and Mikell was getting bored, so we headed to the other side of the lake to do some trout fishing. We dropped anchor and I threw a line in. I had a fish within 10 minutes, as I was reeling it in I was directing Mikell on what to do before it got to the boat. She was so overwhelmed she was almost walking in circles. We put it in the live well and that became Mikells source of entertainment for the next couple hours. We were having lots of bites but they were escaping. That's when Mikell had to go pee. I brought a bucket so we had a make shift bathroom. She kept playing with the fish, feeding it Powerbait and petting it. Then she had to poo, (sigh) that's when here princess pole got a bite. I tried to hurry and reel it in but the drag was too loose so I had Mikell reel it in while I was pulling her line in. This time she understood the process of cleaning off the top to the live well, and then opening it. As we put the fish in I noticed it was bigger than mine, my 3 year old out did me. After we put the fish in the well I pulled out the trusty old bucket and she did here business. We threw the poop on the hook an wham a fish took it, JUST KIDDING! I rerigged her pole with Powerbait (not poop) and before I new it she caught another fish! Now she had 2 that were bigger than my one, I immediately knew how Dick Campbell felt after I out fished him at our annual Stripper fishing trip at Powell 2 years in a row. She was very proud as she was telling mommy on the phone how here fish was bigger than daddy's. Next I caught a fish, she caught a fish, then I caught one then she caught one. Each time Mikell caught a fish I would pull in her line while she would reel it in, she LOVED that. Mikell was now at her limit, 4 fish. She was starting to get bored, it was getting windy, and I was almost ready to accept defeat when my pole bent in half. We were even at 4 fish each. Now the plan was to let the fish go, but Mikell wanted to take them home and eat them. I figured mommy could convince her so I called Andrea and she explained how the fish wanted to be with their families and that in order to take them home daddy would have to cut them up. Mikell said "ok" handed me the phone and said "daddy you need to cut the fish up." @#$% it, I was not planning on doing this. We went in trailered the boat and I started "cutting up" the fish. Mikell was watching but eventually got bored and started picking flowers. I hadn't cleaned fish for a while so I probably made it more difficult then it should have been. Once the fish were cleaned we headed home from a successful fishing trip at Quail Resevoir. Mikell had a blast and daddy had one of the best fishing trips ever
Fish totals
Mikell: 4 Rainbows
Daddy: 4 Rainbows (barely)
Thats awesome! Nothing like fishing with the kids even though it ends up being more work than usual. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Great catches by the way. She will continue to outdo you sometimes.
Great pics. looks like you guys had a blast. I can not wait until my daughter is ready to go fishing.
Super GOOD ON YA!!

Those memories will last a lifetime. For both of you.
Nice report and pics Jared!

I got your email with the other pics and showed them to Brenda and the kids!

For those that don't know...Jared is my son in law and Mikell is my oldest granddaughter!
