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Full Version: Your Choice on Fishing Websites
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[font "Georgia"][#002850]Hello everyone~[/#002850][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#002850][/#002850][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#002850]I wanted some feed back as fishermen/women or anglers, what are the key aspects or information that you like to see on web sites relating to fishing of course. I find that a lot of web sites might provide an extensive amount of information but it is not the information that most anglers would like to see.
[font "Georgia"][#002850][/#002850][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#002850]Tell me what are some of the main features you like to see and enjoy on a fishing web site? You can also tell me about the layout of web sites that you prefer, in terms of navigation, graphics, or anything else you suggest.

[font "Georgia"][#002850]I look forward to reading all your posts! [cool][/#002850][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#002850][/#002850][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#002850]~Dre'[/#002850][/font]
one of my favorite featrues is seeing the bigfishtackle logo plastered all over the place...[Tongue]
[cool] [font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi there ~Dre wow you get right to the point. Like what do I want for dinner when no body ever asked me before. Need to give you question[s] some serious thought. However, since you asked how about changing the way we can insert pictures into our post[s]. On our sister site [Fishing Message Board] all that is required to post a picture is to click Browse, find the subject picture and click submit. A very simple procedure versus uploading, submit, open attachment, copy, edit post and insert and submit.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 3]Sorry guys but the Inline feature doesn't work with my settings.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[Sad][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Oh yes ~Dre what is causing the strike through of several lines in my post? This happens a couple of times a week.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Bell MT"][#002850][size 3]I can relate to the frustration of inserting a picture. I went through that challenge myself when I added my picture. I will see what I can come up with and talk to Mike about making the process an easier one. Aside from that issue, I was wondering your opinion on a general aspect of fishing web sites. Not necessarily changing or pertaining to this one but more so what features and information is beneficial on a web site as a fisherman? [/size][/#002850][/font]
[font "Bell MT"][#002850][size 3][/size][/#002850][/font]
[font "Bell MT"][#002850][size 3]I will also look into that strike through issue on your text and I'll will get back to you on it. [/size][/#002850][/font]
[font "Bell MT"][#002850][size 3][/size][/#002850][/font]
[font "Bell MT"][#002850][size 3]Thanks,[/size][/#002850][/font]
[font "Bell MT"][#002850][size 3]Dre'[/size][/#002850][/font]
Dre, I have to say some sights let me post a picture with out line insert. I'm not computer savy, so making it simple is a plus for me. I think they don't have to worry about editing.
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi ~Dre Probably in my opinion the best feature that a fishing web site can offer to it's members is flexibility. When a Mod sees an opportunity to enhance his particular board you folks listen and generally accommodate the request. The BFT reminds me of the old pot belly stove one would find in the [olden days sic] where hunters & fishermen alike would gather to swap war stories and perhaps take adavantage of the experience of those folks who have been around for a while. Have been to a number of other sites that won't even acknowledge one's presence. When you are made to feel like an out sider then why bother coming back in. [/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 3]Now do me a favor please - A new member just posted on the Fresh Water board but I couldn't even greet him [reply to his post] for the reply button is covered up by those darn ads. Check it out. Thanks:[/size][/#008000][/font]

[url ";sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread"];sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread[/url]
That's my buddy DJ who posted in the salmon and trout section. I tried to respond also, but can't reach the reply button. I did notice his pictures are bigger then 400 pixels wide, so I pm'd and e-mailed him thinking that maybe he could resize his pic's. He's been off line since yesterday, so will see whenever he gets done fishing.
He is an outstanding fisherman and I'm hoping he gets a warm welcome. The forum and the Washington board can use his knowledge.
I read many great reports from DJFISHS2XS on Salmon, halibut and ling cod. I'm excited I got him to join here, now lets keep him.


The thing I look for most is what brought me to become a moderator here. A feeling of community, rather than a bragging board of who is better than who. I like the fact that people of any skill level are welcomed here. My bad spelling is never an issue, it doesn't matter that I don't know any of the computer lingo, my value is in my fishing knowledge.

It's great to see fishermen focused on the fishing, what works/ doesn't work, and how they can help fellow anglers achieve the same results.