What is a good jigg,lure or bait for catching browns at deer creek? Location, depth,season and time of day? What is the average size of the browns in deer creek?
Any info will be appreciated.
[blue][size 2]Big browns are tough to catch, but they're in Deer Creek. My favorite lure is a rainbow pattern Frenzy (Rapalas are good too). But my secret brown trout method is--man, I hate to give this up, but you guys are all friends, right??--trolling a clown colored streamer fly behind leadcore. You can really pull it through the rocky areas and bang it round without snagging. And if you lose it, no biggie--just tie up a bunch more.[/size][/blue]
Never seen one (clown fly), but it sound cool .Do you try to match it up with a clown rapala ? I never have fished Deer Creek much . Just where the streams come in .I did take the kids up by the dam and let them bait fish off shore and as soon as one of them hit the bottom , he caught a 16" smallie on a worm .I'm still waiting for a good size smallie to hit my line . Since we are all friends here , I guess I can share one of my secrets . I've fished lakes with crawdads and have had good luck fishing crawdad color jigs by dragging them on the bottom this time of year . I pull it slowly on the bottom in 4" to 6" strips and a long pause . It is kinda hard to feel the bites , but if the line goes slack set the hook .This is hard to do on windy days . I have even tried this for walleye at Utah lake with the same jig and it brought me up some nice eyes at the bubble up in march . It helps to know where the browns are hanging out . That has taken up a lot of my time finding them . I think if you can find them in Deer Creek you may want to try this out if they are on bottom . I have had them chase it up to the top in 30' water to recast and just put it in front of their nose and they hit it . You might try spider jigs . tight lines ~~~~ friends
[blue][size 2]I tie them up myself. Streamers with lots of red, orange, and yellow using marabou, chenille, hackle, and rabbit strips. I also mix in some brown and black in some. A classic is yellow chenille body, orange marabou tail, and red rabbit strip along the top and past the tail.[/size][/blue]
just curious, dennis how deep how deep can you run that type of set up?
Xman i haven't fished there before but i have caught many trout off of a marshmellow and a worm. you might try this sometime, hope this helps
i have had alot of success at the deer. it seems when all else fails though the worm and marshmellow are the ticket for the planters. thanks for the info.
i heve seen huge fish kjumping at deer creek living only a short drive away. All I know is they head up top when all the ski boats leave and to have a boat out then is keen. just throw something top water make it jiggle and prepare foer a ride.
[blue][size 2]Enich, leadcore is very speed dependant. I try to bang it through the rocks at 2.0 - 3.5 mph reaching depths from 10' to 30'. But I like this presentation shallow best, so all the colors can still be seen.[/size][/blue]