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Full Version: What are the best vacuum food savers out there for minnows?
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Also does vacuum packing minnows make them more firm?

Another question is it legal to vacuum pack sea gulls?
[cool][#0000ff]My experience is that vacuum packing minnows does not help keep them firmer...especially redside shiners. If anything it crushes them and makes them softer when you thaw them. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Salting them to draw out moisture before freezing is your best hedge against loss of firmness. But, it is time consuming and messy.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I simply freeze mine in small plastic bags. I add a little water and then squeeze out the excess, to remove all air bubbles. I then twist tie the tops and fast freeze them in a freezer...not the freezer compartment of a refrigerator.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Some minnow fans prefer to use ziplock bags, and hold them underwater while squeezing out the excess air and water. That works too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you like to freeze fish, the vacuum sealers are great. But, the cost of the bags makes freezing minnows a bit spendier and no less effective than freezing in water.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'm sure that others have their own opinions. My opinion is based on a lot of personal experimentation. What I do works for me and the fish like the minnows I offer them. Good 'nuff for me.[/#0000ff]
If you were to freeze them first, then I think vacuum packing would work just fine. I'm gonna score some LN2 (Liquid Nitrogen) and really quick freeze the little buggars after a good coat of salt to see if that helps keep them more firm. I wonder if adding a crushed up "little blue pill" to the salt would help keep them firm??[Tongue] Not sure about the seagull thing....I personally wouldn't care, but those guys wearing badges might.
Thanks I was thinking about buying a vacuum sealer.

You see, I bought me some redsides from the Sportsmans Warehouse.

I let them thaw in some menhaden oil, and they sti-i-i-i-ink!!!!!!!!!
I almost puked! Ugh!

My intellectual curiousity gets the best of me! For better or worse.

Oh well live and learn.

Heres the question what works best for catfish, chubs or redsides?
[cool][#0000ff]Catfish will eat both chubs and redsides. But, catfish will eat almost anything. I have had the best success on chubs, when fishing back and forth with both species. Plus, the chubs stay on the hook better.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My theory as to why chubs may work better is that they are very close to carp genetically...and smellwise. There are lots of carp in most waters where there are catfish, and small carp are a big item on the menu for cats. Thus, if you fish chub minnows it is easy for the cats to think they have found a dead carplet and don't hesitate to chow down.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Seriously, on a couple of trips I have fished redsides for an hour, without a bite, before switching to chubs...and then had instant bites. I have also switched from chubs, while catching fish, and suddenly gone fishless. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On some days, when the cats are active and hungry, they seem to hit both just about as well. The only difference is that you almost have to duct tape the shiners onto your hook to keep them from being slurped off without sticking the fish.[/#0000ff]
Got it!

Im discarding all my redsides they all stink anyways. Never mind what I was trying to learn ( I was "experimenting") leaving them in menhaden oil without freezing them, oh my!!


I bought chubs from Sportmans but they do seem to smell like a carp.

I bought me a throw net but its 1 foot larger in radius than
than the 5 foot law. I know I should follow the regulations but Cabelas was out of the 5 foot radius. I'll get me a 5 footer when I can.

I plan on going to Utah Lake to catch carps this summer. Its fun I love throw nets I got good at them when I lived in Yuma with my step dad and mom.

I used to catch Tilapias, they taste pretty good, not bad eating and there is no limit. I got pretty good at throwing the thrownet.

A guy at my job said that redshiners work for trout but the cutthroats ripped the minnow right off the hook, he said he was just feeding the fish. He got his of course from a bait shop.

Oh I forgot to tell, Ashley Creek near Vernal has billions of small creek chubs. They are not Utah Chubs they were illegally planted by "bucket biologist". Most are just 1 inch. But some are 2 or more inches if you look in the deeper holes. I wouldnt mind going there to catch some and see if they work.

But that will be a long while.
[cool][#0000ff]There are also lots of fathead minnows in several waters down in Sanpete county. Specifically in PaliSades and Gunnison Reservoirs. You need fine mesh cast net and/or minnow traps to get them, but they are tough and good for trout almost anywhere. They are small, with larger ones going maybe 3". Used to be a lot of them in Yuba, after the drain, but the perch have just about vacuumed them out now.[/#0000ff]
Spread them out on a cookie sheet and freeze them first before vacuum sealing them.
for cat fish i have found chub seem to work better.. i still catch alot on the shiners tho..

i just use a ziplock bag for my minnows. keep a smal part of the bag open and push as much of the air out ya can and zip closed drop in the freezer..

DT you giveing out all my top secret Sanpete minnow holes again? [Tongue] .. if so dont forget the Dace in the sanpitch they look like little suckers.. and the pond carp at palaSades as well.. lol [sly]