04-27-2007, 12:54 AM
Jacksonman and I celebrated the end of the semester by taking a 3 day fishing frenzy to a few choice places. First we hit Pineview on Tuesday, a first for both of us to try to get to the Tigers. We pulled one into the boat but had a few break off right at the boat. We also caught 2 fatty SMB. Not bad for just an evening. Wednesday we headed off to Fish Lake for an overnighter. Fish Lake was great, but not much size to any of the fish we pulled out. They were all healthy and fat, but not very big overall. We pulled out 15 rainbows and 8 splake. Thursday we spent at Mill Meadows and Forsythe. Much bigger fish, much faster action. We fished from 8:30-12:00 and pulled out 15 browns, all between 15-20", 2 splake, both were about 16", a cuttbow, and a nice big tiger trout (pictured). A great celebration. Fish lake is still closed to all watercraft because of floating ice, but we couldn't see any so they should open it any day now.