tippy was featured this thrusday, showing steelhead on fly and spinning rods. Filmed from the bottom of steep stairs side....
ofcorse it was filmed during the week, so it didnt show the crouds that would have normaly been there...[

I saw a few fish jumping at the dam the weekend before last ,early kings no doubt .
The steelhead I saw cought were rather large compaired to the last two years prior .
I did some damage on the brown trout with only one hook-up on a cromer , 6# test on my new rod .
The Mrs. went to hhome depot , came back wit a 5 ga. bucket of drywall mud sitting on my rod ,darn near had a stroke ! The rod has a few scratches in it , thats all .
I missed that show , but yes, you have to go during the weekdays for a less crouded fishing expearance .