There is the wife holding her first Brown Trout. We took the wives out on Lake Michigan for the first time and had a blast. We only boated 11 fish, the water was pretty cold running between 44 and 46 degrees all morning. Most of the fish were 4 to 5 pounds with a nice 10 pounder that started day and gave us a lot of false hope.
All of the fish were caught close to shore and on silver/green and silver/blue magnum spoons.
I'm hoping that we can get out there a few more times this year. Rich the charter captain was great and we really had fun. Plus it's just an hour from my friend's house so it's an easy drive up there and makes for a great weekend.
Can you guess why they call me Big Steve??
More pictures on my website
nice day on the pond, Feyakin!
Nice browns! I thought they were lake trout at first. It must be nice to be able to get into a mess of those! Nice report,
Nice load of fish, your wifes

says it all. Good job and nice post.
I have a hard time telling the browns from lakes anyway, so I let other people tell me which is which

Maybe some day I'll catch enough to be able to really tell the difference on my own..
But I was very happy to hit browns this time out.. Usually there are so many salmon around that the brown are tough to find..
Fish ID can be a little nutty at times out there but once you retain/know what to look for its easy-cheesy.
Main difference is in the markings and tails - "wormy splotches" on the Lake Trout vs. "spots" on the Browns. The Lakers Tail is the main give-away if the fish are marked lighter.. look for a forked tail like a "V" the Browns tail has a flat/straight rear edge or "squared" off...
Oh, and in the event of a fish comming to net and you notice it reads "Penzoil" on the side .. it a Laker [

One of my fishing buddies was giving me crap because I keep a few printouts of fish ID pictures in my tackle box.. That's when I found out that according his ID methods every pan fish is a blue gill, everything under 10 pounds is a bass and everything over 10 pounds is a myth [

I'll keep my charts in the box until I know what I'm catching..
He's also giving me a bit of grief because I'm using my blog to record fishing notes for later reference.. The geek in me is making me documaent pretty much everything I do on the water these days.. I figure it can't hurt, and it might actually help..
LOL [sly]
Hey, I've been keeping fishing logs for years .. Started my Lake Michigan log @ '95 on one of those wire bound notebooks kids use for school.. fish ID, time caught, air/surface temp, general weather, speed, location, rig, bait, depth... beer or soda, underwear color [

Its a great way to recall patterns and see whats worked and what hasn't.. another "tool of the trade"!! No matter how geeky it sounds keep doing it! It helps refresh the old grey matter! [
