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We hit the nell today and the fish hit back we boated over 30 to 40 fish 90% was bass all came from water less then 10 feet deep what a HOT day....

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thanks for the report Cliff, i still need to get back up there its been like 2yrs
Sounds like a good day. If you want to email the pics to me full size I can reduce the size if you would like.
When the wife gets back we will I don't like fires....[cool]

Thank you for the report. Has the water level come up very much since ice off or is it still really low?
Thanks for the report, I've been waiting for a bass report. I should have known you would be the first. What was the high water temp? I believe you go by moon phase for spawning, do you believe it will be around the full moon at the end of May? Just curious.
They was letting water out all winter and are now trying to save some but I think its to late and the nell will not fill much this year Its about 30 feet down...

The water temps was 45 main lake...

The spawn has three things that matter first is time of year, Then you have moon faze, Then water temps...

When fish spawn (bass) the water they spawn in is from 58 to 62 to start or above at the depth of the bed many times the top foot of water will warm up in shallow water of less then a foot but if the eggs after spawn cools more then 5 after laid then you have less then 40% of eggs will hatch and less then 10 % of fry will live of the 40% so temp counts too..

That is why time and moon faze counts a little more, most beds are in 2 feet or more and bass have been found to spawn in 20+ feet over a mouth after most think its over in deep lakes...

Two of the best lakes up north here to see bass spawn is the Gorge for smalles and Pelican for large mouth...

The spawn can start 5 days before a new moon two 5 days after and then the fish will back off and start again 5 days before a full moon two 5 days after as a rule for most bass, Pelican starts the first new or full moon after the 15 of May and deeper lakes like the Nell and Deer starts the first new moon or full moon after the first of June...

Just curious, what and how did you catch them on? Thanks.
Sounds awesome Cliff. Nice report. Thanks.
Most was on a MOJO drop shot with a leech ....

One or two on a crank bait not sure what color...

Where do you dig up this stuff?? Bass will spawn whenever the water temp gets right. It doesn't matter if it is late March or early May they will spawn. Moon phase is vodoo biololgy for those who believe in fish calenders.

I've caught fish on beds at Powell in March, early May at Pelican, and last year I was plucking them of beds the first weekend in May at Jordanelle. A month ago I was catching them off beds at Quail.

It does change from year to year depending on the weather/water temp, but don't set your clock by the moon phase. Water temp is relative to the lake your fishing. 55 degrees at Powell and the fish will probably be up looking and maybe fanning some - by the same token 55 degrees at the Gorge and the fish may be done spawning.

A good rule of thumb to follow is: if the weather has been mild to warm two weeks before the "normally" spawn you better be up looking for some hawgs. If it was been unseasonably cold then it could delay the spawn and extra week or two.

When the water temp is right the bass goes into the rut and he doesnt care about 40% this or 10% that. Once he is locked on the bed he isn't leaving. The depth of the bed is generally determined by water clarity. I've never seen a 20ft deep bed, but I've seen a few that were 12ft. Deep beds are generally super clear or fast rising water.

If you snooze you loose. It is all about the water temp...........
[cool][#0000ff]Got the pics. Good report.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Man, looking at the ramp over at Rock Cliffs it looks like the lake is going to be a bit low this year.[/#0000ff]
Yes the ramp is all out of the water it would have to come up about five feet to get to the bottom of the ramp now....

Wow looks like I am being censored here too. A photo of the brown I caught but no mention of me even on this trip or pics of the fish I caught.

Jeez... [angelic]
Sorry there CBR some are of Friday and some of Saturday the wife just sent over the ones off the camera and both days was there but yes we was both you and I on a very good day.....

And yup its your brown trout you know I don't fish or catch anything but BASS.....[sly][Wink]

Great pictures Cliff, Thanks for sharing