Wyobraz's Monsters
[inline "Braz Mac.JPG"]
[size 1]SPECIES: Lake Trout
ANGLER: Wyobraz
WHERE CAUGHT: Flaming Gorge (Utah side)
DATE/TIME: April 21 2007
WEIGHT: 23 lbs
NOTES: Mac Attack![/size]
Nice pic, that's a good lookin' mac. That's got to be one of the best pictures I've seen, the fish is the main point of focus but everything else is still clear in the background. Good on ya. Now that I'm done with my a@# kissing session, when are you going to take me up there to catch his twin brother?[

I agree that is a great picture and a really good looking mack. Wyobraz, you really know how to get a hold of those big macks.
Hey HookJaw, good job. I almost feel a little guilty a Wyoming guy putting a pup in the Utah big fish thread. Just Kidding. I agree with you guys that is one of my best pictures I ever have had. There is alwasy something wrong with a pic this one just looks good.
That's a really nice fish... I'll bet there are a few others you could share... [

Remember this is a Utah Big Fish Board not a Gorge or Wyoming big fish board. I actually don't have any more Utah fish on digital photos I just got a digital camera last fall. As I catch more of the Utah Macks I will add them to the board for you guys!
You are right... They would have to be caught on the Utah side. [cool]
Lookin forward to some more pics from Utah macks!
Didn't you say that you were going to start focusing on kokes here pretty soon? Would love to get some koke pics too. [blush]
That is a very nice fish.