I'm at work right now at the Black Canyon Dam (8:30 pm Sunday) and I'm watching a woman and her 2 little boys on our cameras catching 5 pound channel cats in the tailrace below the dam. It looks like she's using cut bait and she is slaying them. Way to go mom, teach them boys how to fish.
And that concludes my catfish report.
and here I thought I was going to see kitty pictures
thats got to be an interesting job working at a dam, full of challanges and hazards. do you have a fish ladder at that dam?
No fish ladders here and it is a pretty cool job. Challenges yes, but not to many hazards for me. Even though I'm at a Dam, I don't get the chance to go in it much any more, and it's only 100' away. I'm locked up in a Control Room for 12 hours and can't leave the desk. Just a lot of computers, cameras and way to many telephones. Thank goodness we have a full kitchen, the internet and Satellite TV.
If there was a t

y despencer You would need a pry bar to get me out, My bottom would never fit though the door...[laugh]