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Full Version: TIGER TIME!!!!
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Well, it is now the time to begin the process of hunting my 50" tiger. The bite is officially on! I fished the view today from about 3:30 to dark with my wife and kids for about 2 hours and then djremo till dark. We covered alot of water as usual but found fish in concentrated areas. I probably saw 35 tigers today, 50 or 60 smallies, and hords of crappie.
After some fallows on Cemetary and middle inlet djremo and i headed to spring cove and started to pound the shoreline with spinnerbaits and j-13's. After only 5 minutes i hooked up a 27" razormouth and let djremo reel it in the rest of the way. He thought that was awesome until we moved out of there and headed back over to middle inlet. We pulled up on our weedline and immediately spoked 2 large tigers. The water had laid down and was like glass. I though to myself after seeing the way the tigers had been acting i would throw a buzzbait for the last hour. 2nd cast i had a huge tiger fallow for 30' or so and then dropped off. Remo put on a brand new buzzy and started to cast as i was telling him about the wave you get when they fallow. Not 2 minutes later he had a fish fallow from some thick brush and then back off. I told him to slow down and it sank a little. I said to speed it back up to get it on top and immediately the fish began to chase again. It seemed like an eternity waiting for the fish to hit and then it happened and the rest is history. There is no hope for remo now. He is ADDICTED! He had a good fight and finally landed the 36" tiger. In awe of the size i got a couple pics and then he got a crash course in releasing them. The fish swam off with a sore lip.
There were spots today with tremps in the low 60's. The bass are definately looking for beds or are already on them. The tigers have somewhat assumed a summer pattern and the crappies are in close to the bank and brush.
Hey remo, BAM!!!! Congrats man. Next time let's get you a 40+"er.
Wish I hadn't sold my boat and truck[mad]!!! Sounds like a great
time and I am glad you did good!!!!
Yea!!!!!!!!!!! brody great time thanxs again another great outing with ya!Damn that gets your heart racin luvin it!!!!!!!!!more more more more more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's you pics musky man.[cool]
Boy them Tigers are some cool looking fish. Someday maybe I will have to travel somewhere that has them and see if I can catch one myself! Good luck on the 50" [Wink] I look forward to all the reports while you chase the goal.

There will be plenty i'm sure.[Wink] Ya ever make it down this way, i'll trade ya mack's for tigers.
Sounds like a good trade to me!! Once my back gets better in a few weeks I'll get ahold of ya and we'll see what we can do.

Nice fish. I haven't caught one of those in a few years.

Well see you at work.
Congratulations Djremo !

Great report and pics.

I launched today at 5:30pm after an hour of casting I had a follow right up to the boat then it turned back. I cast again in the direction the muskie went but got snaged on a small bush. I was in a hurry to get the lure off the bush and get another cast at the muskie so I ripped it out of the bushes. The dang thing shot back at me like a bullet and stuck me in the arm. Had to call it a day and get up to the emergency room and get the treble hook taken out of my arm. I'll get em next time.
Hey Mike , Hope your alright.

I'm fine. Its kinda freaky when the doctor works the tips of the hooks threw your skin from the inside going out so he can cut the barbs off then pull it back out. Now I have 4 punchers instead of 2.
Just curious, was there any certain area where the Crappie were more dense?


Nice tigers! I spent alot of time trolling around pineview and never had the honors of catching one. I caught some big smallies that I thought were tigers out there. Man do those pineview smallmouth put up a fight!
Sweet! Great pics Brody, and congrats to Remo.
[black][size 3]Hey Brody,[/size][/black]
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[size 3]Great report and pictures. When I got up this morning, the "Babe Winkleman" show was on TV, and he was fishing a pike/musky lake in Canada (a real snake factory).[/size]
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[size 3]He was using a 3 or 4 inch soft plastic white minnow. He had it about a foot below a weight for casting, and was working it along the bottom, site casting to fish. A very jerky, stop/start, erratic action was triggering strikes. [/size]
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[size 3]Now, I don't know beans about fishing for those toothy critters, but this seemed to be a real turn-on for fish who just follow lures to the boat. [/size]
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[size 3]If it sounds good to you, you might give it a try. For the price of a package of Berkley (gulp) scented minnows, it might be worth a shot.[/size]
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Good job guys it looks like ya had a great evening.
nice Brody, I'll be heading up there next week some time.
thanks for the report, later chuck

Very nice report. Nice pics. Never heard of using little girls to chum them in but whatever works[sly][sly]
Nice job guys! Congrats on the first tiger. Lunker, I wish you luck on the big 50" incher, I had a big 50" incher take a 17 inch smallmouth and several perch of my stringer a few years back while I sat there in amazment. I think this might be the year for ya. Go get 'em