Just thought that I would post this link. I read this article this morning, and all I can think is WOW! Freaking scary!
[url "http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/220065/4"]http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/220065/4[/url]
It's not the immigrants, it's the fish man! Beware of anything that breaths underwater.....Next fish I see I am going to slap it in its mouth.. You can count on that. My wife will testify that fish bring out the satan in me. I will go to extreme lengths, even do some unholy things in the name of fish.
Be scared my fellow anglers be very scared.
Those darn fish are running the media and there in cahoots with the Democrats destroying our Christian society! They're setting up a god-less new world order! We gotta catch em! CATCH EM ALL!![sly]