Finding "HOLES" adn pond features is a key factor......
If you can afford one,,,get you a "SMART CAST" and see what's going on,,,,,
if you can't rig yourself a "PLUMBING LINE" in the following way
Slide a 2 or 2 ounce weight onto the line, one that has a LARGE loop on it,,,for example
the tie on a swivel, and attach the you now have the BOBBER at the end of the line, the swivel, and the lead whih dangles freely on the line...
Now cast that contraption out to an area on the lake, and reel in slightly till you feel the BOBBER hit the lead, once you have done that let out linefrom your reel in 12 inch increments,,,,and start counting,,,soon as you see the bobber pop up, take a not of how much line you released and you've got your depth!!,,I like to use a 2 counce lead, gives me a better feel,,,repeat the process, casting where you want to,,,in multiple casts, you can determmine "DROP OFFS", ledges, etc..
To determine the "FEATURES" just tie a i ounce lead on the end of the line cast it out and retieve slowly, as the lead bounces along the bottom, you can pick up obstacles, drops, snags etc, etc,,,,,when you retireve the lead, look as it closely for any signs of damage ( abrasions etc) thjis should tell you if it's a "MUCK" bottom, or rocky..
yeah, I know takes time and practice,,,but once you develop the art of these two tricks, you can determine depth, and features up to the extent of your cast capabilities,,,needless to say this is for "BANK ANGLERS" only,,,you got a boat or a raft or anything else,,,,you got it made in the shade, just drop the line down till you hit bottom, and reel up in 12 inceh increments...
hope this helps...
Get after it man ![url ""][/url]