Hit Pineview Friday with Wiperslayer1 and Wiperhunter2. There was wind, rain, sleet, I think it snowed a little. The fish were there but hunkered down like Marines in a foxhole. Did manage a small sm bass, a tiger musky and a big mirror carp. Feed the carp to the Musky. Sorry the picture is dark but it was after all a grey dreary day spent practicing fishing. have to get more perch colored gitzits. Thanks for joining me guys. Dan
here ya go Dan i fixed your color and resized it for ya
[inline 1.jpg]
Nice tiger reelfast. One thing I dont miss about utah is that fact that its still cold this time of year. Im in georgia now and its been in the 90's a few days already! I dont know which one I'd rather deal with, heat or cold. Atleast up there yall can layer up, I can only take so much off without getting arrested [cool]
Thanks for the wet report. Glad you got a few.[cool]
We are working on that photo editor so I can quit posting the oversized, dark photos. I may have to have you PM me some hints.[blush]
Hey down there in Georgia you can run a way longer boating/fishing season. Justifying that nice boat. I have a brother in Minnesota that ice fishes and he has more money in his ice fishing shack than his boat. They even get to spear their northern pike. But I will take the longer soft water season anyday.
Even though the catching was slow, it was still good to get out with good friends. Maybe one of these days we will hit it right and catch some crappie[
